Chapter 13: 21st

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Chapter 11-15 were released at the same time make sure you didn't skip one <3


Valencia's pov

Who the fuck is calling me? "What?" I say answering it without looking at who it is. "Encia, you woke up in a bad mood. I'm trying to be nice" Sante says as I groan while sitting up.

"Sorry sorry I went to sleep at 2 finishing an essay"

"It's 10:30 Encia" Fuck I need to get out of bed. "I'll let you sleep a little longer"

"No no it's fine I need to get up anyways"

"Happy birthday Valencia"

"Thank you Sante I appreciate it"

"Wait wait dad's taking the phone" Sante says I let out a yawn putting my headphones on. "Happy birthday princess" Dad says a smile comes to my face hearing how happy he is.

"Thank you dad"

"Always Encia, I can't believe your 21 wow how time has passed" Time has passed and very fast. Some for better and some for worse. "We'll let you go since it's already 12pm your friends must be looking for you, bye Encia I love you"

"I love you more dad" He hangs up and I go to the bathroom washing my face. I pull my hair back without dealing with it. I don't have to do it till later so I'm not even going to bother. I'm still so tired. Leaving my room I go into Silas room seeing him there alone.

He smiles at me. I feel my heart starting to race. "Happy birthday petal" The biggest smile comes to my face as I sit next to him. "Thank you Silas"

"I got you something" He goes to his room and guilt reaches my gut. I didn't get him anything for his birthday. We all went out for dinner but it wasn't from me personally.

"I know it's like a stupid gift but I liked when you came to my room just for me to hug you so this is my key. Well your key now anytime you need anything and my door is locked you can use this key"

"Silas you didn't have to"

"I wanted to petal"

"Thank you" He smiles, bringing me in his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck burying my face in it. "I have something else for you"

"Silas" He goes into his drawer giving me a wrapped box. I slowly open the black box, seeing a book staring at me. "I know you don't like to read but all the books you have your brother brought you, I wanted you to have something on your shelf that was mine" My heart swells I pick it up my fingers going on the spine.

Eliseo and I would have gone to the backyard and started reading every time we got to a new chapter we'd just talk about it. "There, giving Harry Potter we still have time to squeeze in a movie and a half. "What are we waiting for then?" I sit on the couch and he turns on the Tv.

We both sit comfortably close to each other watching Harry Potter and the half blood prince. I think Harry Potter has to be my favorite series. I could watch it over and over again, never getting bored. It's good to know Silas shares the same interest.

The movies play and play until the ending credits of deathly hallows comes up. "Fuck it's already 8:30 Encia" I was suppoed to be ready half an hour ago. Shit shit shit I hate being late.

I hurry into my room freshening up before taking my dress out the closest. Strapless is the only plus is that I don't have to wear a bra. I put on a blue dress and pulled it down. One wrong move and it's over. I let down my hair combing through the auburn strands. Sante told me he couldn't make it tonight because of mom. I wasn't mad at him but more at her. She called her earlier and said happy birthday and hung up.

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