Chapter 27: What Did You Do?

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Chapter 21-27 were released at the same time make sure you didn't skip one <3


Silas pov

Nonno called me into his office but right now he just looks angry and annoyed. I sit in the chair across from him while he handles a phone call that doesn't look like it's going well. "Yes and I completely understand. We hope to see her in August. Have a great rest of your day Mr. D'Angelo" Nonno hangs up the phone giving me a deathly look.

"Oh my god that's Valencia's dad. Is she okay? She won't answer my calls or anyone's calls. Nonno you have to tell me if she's okay"

"Silas, I've been running this school since my dad handed it down to me along with his mafia and alliances. I was 25 and that was almost 35 years ago. Not once has a student switched online because they felt uncomfortable and trapped in their dorm" He's too calm right now. He's about to bite my head off.

"The last time we had a student who felt uncomfortable we switched their dorm right away and conducted an investigation resulting in the other students being expelled. That student was caught trying to force his peers to conduct sexual activites. Since then we have made it our priority to make sure students are getting the discipline they need as well as having this place be a safe zone where they can be free to do whatever they want." He's still too calm. I don't like this. He's never this calm he's about to blow.

"Do you care to explain to me why the fuck I just got off the phone with Valencia's dad and he told me her brother had to pick her up. He said when her brother got her she was shaking and crying she could barely speak. It took them two days for her to stop crying. They didn't even say the whole thing and I know that because Valencia doesn't get shaken up over just anything. They said she didn't feel wanted and felt uncomfortable being on campus. I switched her program over to online for the last month. Silas what the fuck happened"

His face is redder than a tomato. I shouldn't be making jokes in my head right now. He's really really mad but I don't know how to fix it. "Nonno it was just a misunderstanding I promise"

"What is considered a misunderstanding to you Silas because this right now doesn't seem like a misunderstanding?"

"She walked on something she didn't want to see, then she was upset and blew up because Orion, Khnos, Vadik, Niovi and Emira knew and didn't tell her"

"Silas what did you do"

"I was sleeping with Tatiana again and when she asked how long I told her the truth. A little over a month and a half" His face drops and he runs his hands through his hair in disbelief.

"Silas do you know what you just did"

"She wouldn't let me explain"

"How the fuck do you explain something like that? Huh? You might have not known Valencia before a few months ago but I did. Every time I'd go for an alliance or to make sure everything was to par her brother was there because he was the heir. Anything Valencia wanted he made sure she had. When he died she lost that person to lean on. Her mothers been trying to send her here since she was 15. You brought back her smile, Silas. You made her become the person she was before Eileso died. She helped you be more outgoing and do things you never did and you repay her like this. You repay her by taking her smile away and sleeping with the one person she can't stand"

"Nonno i-"

"Just get out Silas, I need to think and process what you just told me"

"Nonno I never meant to hurt her"

"Silas, just go to your dorm. I have to fix what you did"

I sigh in defeat leaving his office. Everyone waits for me by the elevator on edge to what he had to tell me. "Valencia's not coming back till august" I tell them going inside. They don't say anything, they just have their heads down looking as defeated as I do. "She's going to come back right?" Emira asks Khons just holds her close but no one responds.

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