Chapter 32: I'm Bored

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Chapter 28-35 were released at the same time make sure you didn't skip one <3


Valencia's pov

"Jace hi wake up i'm bored" I go into his room jumping on his bed. He's taking his 2nd nap of the day and Larissa went home for the weekend so I have no one to talk to. "Encia, I'm trying to sleep" He groans, pulling the blanket over his head.

I straddle his lap pulling the blanket off his body. "Jace come on wake up you already had a nap today" He barely opens his eyes. He brings me down to his chest, throwing the blanket over us. "Shut up and close your eyes" He buries his head in the crook of my neck and I rub his back in circles.

He snores lightly, holding onto me tighter.

Jace decided to wake up two hours later. "Encia, love if you're going to just lay there we can go back to sleep" Jace says coming out of the bathroom looking for a shirt. "You're the one who decided to sleep for half of the day. I wonder how you sleep at night after all of that. I'd be up the whole time" He snorts out a laugh. I sit up pulling my hair in a loose ponytail.

"It's called masterbating. You should try it. A few orgasms and I'm all ready to sleep" I roll my eyes going into the kitchen getting a bottle of water. I go back into his room and he puts his phone on silent. "I hate how mum thinks me and Tatiana are so much alike" I keep forgetting that they are step-siblings. Honestly the whole thing is just weird. "There's a difference between you and Tatiana. You're nice she isn't. She hates me you don't" I respond sitting in front of him.

"Valencia I tried to hate you but I can't because I love you" Jace says holding my hand. "You know that and I know you don't love me the way I love you and that's okay"

"Jace I do love you, your one of my best friends"

"Encia if I could I would make you my girlfriend right now but it's not the right thing to do. If being your friend and messing around here or there keeps you in my life I'll take it."

"Why wouldn't it be right? Do it make me your girlfriend"

"Fine I'll make you my girlfriend if you can look me in the eyes and say you're not utterly in love with Silas" I look him in the eyes but I don't say anything. "You know I'm not mad at you right?" I rest my head on his shoulder and he holds me closer to him. "You're still my best friend, but I hate to see you like this" I trace the tattoos on his arms, he makes me sit in front of him.

"You can forgive them, Encia, when was the last time you were mad at them?"

"Maybe a week after I went back home, Jace, I'm not mad I'm hurt. I know it was their fault but I just wanted them to say something. Knowing me I wouldn't have believed them but the effort would have been there"

"I know, you keep hurting yourself Encia, you can forgive them and still not talk to them. Who knows, maybe forgiving them will take this weight off of your shoulders."

"Trying never hurts I guess" Jace smiles, placing a kiss on my temples. We talk for a little while longer before his mother calls him yelling at him. "She's going to be yelling at me the whole night asking why don't I care for Tatiana" Jace rolls his eyes.

I give him a small smile pecking his lips. "I'll see you tomorrow" He brings me back down to his lips giving me a longer kiss. "Bye love" I go back to my dorm seeing everyone but Silas standing in the hallway. "Hey guys" I say they all go quiet in shock. I take out my dorm keys and open the door. "Do you guys want to go out tomorrow? You know like "catch up?"

"Yeah um does 4 work?" Vadik says I nod

"See you at 4" I go inside locking my door. A small weight does feel lifted off my shoulder. It feels better knowing I can put something in the past. It still hurts but I know if my friends asked me to hide something I would. Not to that extent but I can for a little.

I text Larissa telling her to meet me in my dorm at 3 tomorrow. Her and Vadik broke up but I can see why. Just like they hid something from me I'm hiding something from them for her.


Drama coming soonnnn

Q/A~ What do you think Valencia's hiding?

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Until we meet again <3

~Yaniris0919 <3

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