Chapter 53: Surgery

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Valencia's pov

I hear Ruby crying. I sat up and took her out of the bassinet. I try rocking her back to sleep but that's not working either. Checking her diaper I see it's full. "I'm going to change you right now baby" She keeps crying. I get her a fresh diaper, opening it before taking the dirty one out.

Once I'm done she continues to cry. I hold her in one arm making her a bottle. "Yes baby mama's right here. I know you're hungry, I'm doing my best" I close the top shaking it before fixing her position. She takes the bottle calming down a little more.

She finishes the bottle and I burp her cleaning her mouth. She falls back asleep in my arms as soon as I put her in the bassinet, Elesio comes to my room crying holding his blanket. "What's wrong my love" I bend down to his height wiping his tears. "I'm sorry mommy" He cries harder

"What happened?"

"My belly hurts and I threw up" He holds his stomach before running to the bathroom. He leans over the toilet throwing up again. I rub his back and he is burning up. "Stay right here" I tell him he leans on the cabinet door. I went to his room seeing the throw up in the toilet. At least it's not on the floor.

I throw on a pair of shoes grabbing the emergency bag taking Ruby in my arms. "Come on baby, we're going to the doctors" I put him on some shoes, he looks like he can barely hold himself up. I picked him up, putting him on my other hip leaning on the bag.

I don't know how I make it to the car but I do. I make sure the kids are strapped in and Elesio's holding a garbage bag. "I'm sorry mommy" he cries. I reach my hand out for him to hold. "Don't cry my love it's not your fault we all get sick sometimes" I sped my whole way to the hospital parking as close as I can.

Taking them both out I go into the pediatric emergency room, "Hello how can I help you?" The nurse in the front says right there Aurora comes out of the room. "I got this one. Valencia what's wrong?" She brings me to the side.

"He threw up, he's burning up and his stomachs have been bothering him. I don't know what to do so I just brought him here"

"You did the best thing you could have done. I'm going to bring you guys to a room and run some tests, probably get him an IV because he looks pale. Come on bud let's make you feel better" Rory picks him up laying him on a hospital bed he clenches his stomach.

Following behind them a nurse comes into the room with us getting him and IV. When they put the needle in his arm he doesn't flinch he just keeps holding his stomach. "I'm going to lift up you shirt and you're going to tell me where it hurts" She feels around before going to his lower stomach he says it's right there.

"It might be Appendicitis. I'm getting the MRI room ready to take him in. It will only take 15 to 20 minutes and you can stay here with Ruby. I'll have one of the nurses bring you a bassiante for her" I trust Rory so I agree with her. She isn't head of pediatrics for nothing.

The nurse brings the bassinet and I keep Ruby in my arms. I rock her a little making sure she stays asleep before putting her inside. Fifteen minutes later Elesio gets brought back in with Rory holding her clipboard.

"Yeah it's an Appendicitis, it's pretty large but it hasn't ruptured. I squeezed him in for surgery to get it removed in two hours. It will only take an hour to do. I'm going to keep him admitted for a day before we send him home to make sure everything is alright. It's right by his abdomend it'll be a small scar as he gets older; it'll most likely turn white or fade. A nurse will check up on him every half hour to forty five minutes. I'll have the anesthesiologist come in twenty minutes before to give him the anesthesia"

"Alright thank you" She gives me a tight smile closing the door behind her as she walks out. I lower the lights. I sit next to Elesio and he comes to my side with a few tears coming down his face. "Am I in trouble?" He ask worried I shake my head no kissing his forehead.

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