Chapter 8: Royal Blue and Green

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Silas pov

Tatiana throws herself in between Vadik and I at breakfast, her hand going up and down my thigh. I don't say anything, she goes flat over my dick feeling it growing. "Where's Valencia?" Niovi asks, sitting next to Orion. I shrug looking around not seeing her.

She's usually down by this time. We don't have class till 10:30 but it's still not normal for her to not be here. "She's probably still sleeping," Tatiana says, putting her legs on top of mine. Emira rolls her eyes while talking with Khons about something.

Everyone blocks Tatiana out. I just stay quiet. I put my hand on her thigh. She smirks starting to play with my tie. "If you guys are going to fuck might as well go to your room" Orion says annoyed. The cafeteria doors open and Valencia comes inside her hair now straight falling right in the middle of her back. Her lips full and glossy, the freckles on her face are now seen from far away. Her eyes are full of different emotions but are as beautiful as ever.

She looks our way seeing Tatiana. "Encia" Jace calls out motioning for her to sit with him. She walks his way when she sits next to him his arm goes around her neck pulling her closer. He turns around winking at me. I clench my jaw letting out a deep breath.

"We should skip today" Tatiana whispers in my ear trying to be seductive. "Not today I have to turn in my paper. It was due at midnight and i'm not even halfway done" She huffs in annoyance crossing her arms.

An email gets sent out to anyone with our schedule. The only class we attend it english. All other classes were canceled. The bell rings and people start leaving the cafeteria. It's 8:30 and we still have time for our next class.

It's empty here for the most part now.

A few more people sit around Valencia and Jace, all of them with a smile on their face. She has a beautiful smile. It sucks that she's not smiling because of me. I wonder what they're talking about. I doubt it has anything to do with school.

"Have you both decided what you're doing for your birthday?" Khons asks me and Vadik.

"Yeah, since mine is on Halloween we'll throw a party and then on the first we can all go out to eat" Vadik says for me. His birthdays' on a Saturday and I don't really like doing anything for mine. I hope Valencia comes, I want to tell her personally. "Sounds like a plan" Niovi says typing away on her phone.

Everyone starts going into their own conversation. I just stay quiet until it's time for us to go to english. Tatiana decided to sit next to me. Valencia notices putting her head down staying next to Jace. He whispers something in her ear making her crack a small smile.

"I'm going to keep this easy and simple, if you finished my essay you can leave if you didn't you have to stay and turn it in" The professor says. I take my laptop seeing half of the class leaving.

Jace and Valencia leave talking about something. I feel jealousy flood my veins. I shouldn't even be jealous, she's just my friend. We've been friends for only almost three months. "How much of the essay do you have left?" Orion asks.

"5 pages" I responded. He shows me he is almost done. "I can send you the articles I used, it helped me go a lot faster"

"Thank you" He sends me the articles in a message as I skim through them, finding the information a lot easier. I put on my headphones blocking out Tatiana trying to get me to fuck her again.

Yeah we fucked around before but I simply needed to get rid of all the build up I had. She always opens her legs when I tell her too. She willining gets on her knees too. Nothing will beat how Valencia looked. God just the sight of her was enough to make me rock hard.

Her amber hair pulled back into a ponytail giving me the easiest way to shut her up. I'd love to see her gagging with my come falling down the side of her "Silas" Emira says I get out of my trance looking at her. "What what what?" I let out a deep breath looking around the room.

"You've been doing the essay for three hours. I asked if you were done" I looked through it seeing I did the bare minimum. "Yeah i'm done" I put my laptop away grabbing my bag.

Tatiana leaves going with her friends something about going to a club. Right now I just want to see if Valencia's alright. I haven't spoken to her since yesterday. Going up to my room, undoing my tie, throwing my bag on the floor.

I switch out of my uniform for more comfortable clothing. I need to find out why Valencia is angry with me. Maybe she isn't and I am just looking into it too much. Maybe she does have other friends besides us. The thought of that floods my body with jealousy and range.

It should be wrong to feel this way, but it's the only way I can feel.

I find myself walking to her door knocking on it. Holy shit I need to stop doing things without thinking. This is going to get me into serious trouble one day. I wasn't like this before. I want to go back to the shadows where no one looks and no one cares.

I don't want to be seen but ever seen Valencia came all I am is seen.

She opens the door letting out a deep breath seeing it's me. "How can I help you Silas?" Annoyance is evident in her voice. Was she in the middle of something? She didn't call me lover boy, did I do something wrong? She's never been mad or annoyed at me. I don't want her to. I want her to only be happy when she thinks and sees me.

How can I fix this? I have to fix it. I don't know why but there's an urge in me to make sure she has a smile by the end of this conversation. "Are you mad at me?" The words go out of my mouth quickly. Fuck it wasn't suppoed to come out like that.

It was supposed to be how was your day? Did you eat? I wonder if she did eat? I hope she did. "Why do you care?" I just shrug my shoulders, feeling my neck getting hot. I don't know how to respond to that. Do I just stand here?

What did I do wrong? Tell me how to fix it. I want to say those words so bad but it feels like my mouth is sewn shut. I can't speak. I can't move. My feet are attached to the ground.

"Listen, I don't know what you and Tatiana had going on before I came here but I don't want no part in it" She says crossing her arms. I meantlly curse myself out thinking of all the things Tatiana could have told her.

"You have no part in anything with Tatiana. Valencia, whatever she told you isn't worth stressing about." I tell her seeing her face getting a little bit more relaxed. Her eyes go back to its beautiful green. My heart feels happy.

She opens her door letting me go inside. I sit on the couch and she sits next to me. "How was your day petal?" I ask her she looks me in the eyes, smiling. "It was fine, you were too busy so I made more friends." A pang of jealousy hits my chest but I try to cover it up.

"Have you figured out what you're doing for your birthday lover boy?"

"Vadik is going to have a party with him and the next day we'll all go out to dinner."

"What's your favorite color lover boy?"


"Just answer the question"

"Royal blue and green"

"Alright, perfect" She smiles at me, putting her hair up. A few strands fall out framing her face perfectly. Gosh how can one person be so beautiful. Her eyes go back and forth from my eyes to my lips. Were so close to each other.

Just a little more and her lips will be on mine.

The thought of it brings excitement to me. I can't not yet. "I'll see you tomorrow" I quickly got up, letting myself out. I did catch the look of disappointment on her face though.

Not yet soon but not yet.


I don't like Tatiana

Q/A~ Spicy soon?

1463 words

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Until we meet again <3

~Yaniris0919 <3

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