Chapter 35: Elieso Did

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Chapter 28-35 were released at the same time make sure you didn't skip one <3


Valencia's pov

Larissa lays on my bed rubbing her stomach. "I'm fucking hungry. Can you make me a milkshake?" She asks sitting up. "Yeah come on" I go into the kitchen getting out the cutting board and some fruit.

"Have you talked to them yet?" I shake my head no cutting the bananas she sighs while taking the strawberries off the stems. "You can't just ignore them forever, Encia. You live in the same hall as them, you have the same classes as them"

"Larissa I walked into Silas sleeping with Tatiana. It's not just that he was sleeping with her, he knew how often we crashed heads. He promised me that the little fling they had was over. He broke his promise to me and it made me feel like shit. I opened up to him and trusted him with everything I had. Then everyone else had the nerve to lie in my face. They knew what he was doing and didn't say anything"

"Don't say everyone I didn't know. You know if I knew I would have said something."

"I know and that's why you're here and there not, I forgave them yes but still" She doesn't say anything else. I put the strawberries, bananas and kiwi in the blender adding the milk and ice at the end. She grabs two glasses from the cabinet, putting them down. I pour us the glasses and we move over to the couch.

She sits next to me putting the cups down. "It's okay to cry Encia" She hugs me tightly and I break down. After holding it in for so long I finally cried. "It's not fair, Larissa, I really liked him. I wanted it to work so bad. God I felt so stupid seeing that. In a way I feel like I deserved it"

"No Encia, no one ever deserves that. You out of all people didn't deserve that"

"I've been nothing but a bitch to people. For years I held this anger in and for more that my dad talked to me, Sante talked to me, Alessio. For more that anyone talked to me I just held it in. He was the first person I ever opened up to. It was like the universe slapping me in the face. Getting betrayed by the person who promised they wouldn't"

"What Silas did is wrong on all levels no matter what anyone says. I hate that you feel like you deserve this but you don't. Encia you hold everything in and push people out, people fear you. You having trust in Silas and him hurting you wasn't a slap in the face it was showing how he truly is. Maybe if it was one time it would have been different but a month and a half. From here on it's what you decide. Do you want to build your walls up again or do you want to forgive him and move on?"

"I don't know part of me wants to forgive and to have him hold me telling me it's going to be alright. The other half of me wants to leave and never come back"

"Whatever you do you know i'll support you through it all"

"I hate that you made me cry" She laughs handing me a tissue "I told you I will always be here for you. Whether it's you crying, laughing, or if I have to wipe your ass" I wipe under my eyes throwing it out putting out cups in the sink.

Larissa stands up holding her mouth running to the bathroom. I sigh, going behind her holding her hair as she throws up everything she's eaten today. I rub her back with my freehand and tears come down her face. Once she's finished I give her a new toothbrush and put disinfectant in the toilet.

I go into the fridge getting her coconut water. It doesn't make her throw up. "Here it'll help" She thanks me opening the lid. Slowly the color in her face comes back. "Are you going to tell him?" She shakes her head no

"Not yet i'm scared Encia, i'm really scared"

"He can't be mad if it was both of you"

"Yeah I know but I told my sister and she was so mad. She kept saying this is why I got sent here. This is why my parents are ashamed of me. Valencia I can't do this"

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