Chapter 18: Fake Smiles Last A While

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Chapter 16-20 were released at the same time make sure you didn't skip one <3


Valencias pov

I wake up with sweat covering my body. My eyes are red and the bags under my eyes are evident. I hate nightmares but always get them around this time. It's like a cycle that never ends. I go into the shower washing the sweat off of my body letting out a deep breath.

I throw on a pair of red and black plaid pants seeing it's already 3:30pm. I slept longer than I should have. Going to the kitchen I see we have no tea. I grab my hoodie going to the other house to grab some. "What time did you come in last night?" Dad asking drinking coffee. "I don't know, maybe like 5 or 6" He puts his files down looking at me sighing.

"Encia you know I don't care that you see him but I told you to tell Sante or I so we can make sure your okay."

"I know I just like seeing him alone"

"We wouldn't go with you, we'd just call you to make sure that your alright"

"I will next time I promise"

"I'll bring your tea to the house your mom's brother is here be nice say hi"


"Encia remember fake smiles last a while" He says walking to the back house. Fucking great I swear this holiday couldn't be going any better. I go into the living room seeing mom happy her brother is here he turns to me "Valencia" He says I give him a fake smile waving.

"Valencia you're so big now" Uncle Otello says hugging me, this is awkward I just stand there and give him a smile. Nino, Ugo, and Quinn opt just to wave, which I appreciate. "Wow Valencia you're such a woman now.Maybe you'll finally find a boyfriend" Aunt Molly says before I can say anything Sante pulls me away

"You look like your about to commit murder" He says I run my hands through my hair shaking my head. "I don't even know why they're here like why couldn't mom go over there. You know she's probably pissed I came. If it was for her I'd be there till june. Shit she'd probably ask to keep me year round" I haven't even done anything.

She's barely called me the whole time that I've been in school. Dad calls me everyday and so does Sante. Even if it's just a quick conversation they always call me. "Just go into the guest house, I'll get you when the food is ready." I agree with him going to the guest house.

Silas comes downstairs wearing nothing but socks and a pair of red and black plaid pants. "What's wrong petal?" He sits next to me and I rest my head on his lap. "Stupid moms brother is here my aunt said I finally look like a woman maybe i'll get a boyfriend"

"Come here petal" I move to his lap his arm goes around my waist I rest my head on his shoulder. We stay like this for a long time before Sante comes and gets us saying food is ready.

"Time to eat food" I tell them as we go into the house. "So Valencia who's this?" Quinn says looking between Silas and Vadik. "You never mentioned you have such fine men as friends" Silas holds my hand I roll my eyes not responding to her. We take a seat at the table. I sit in the middle of them Sante on Vadik's side while Silas sits at the end.

"What's your name?" She points to Vadik who looks up at her. "Vadik" he responds coldly showing no emotion to her. "Ou Russian I like russians"

"Don't you have a boyfriend Quinn" Ugo says she groans rolling her eyes. Silas holds my hand and the food gets passed around the table. We eat dinner with more conversation between Mom and Uncle Ottelo. Once dinner is finished I put the dishes in the sink Dad and Sante saying they'll do them. "Come on guys lets go" Silas and Vadik waste no time standing up.

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