Chapter 11: Off Campus

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Chapter 11-15 were released at the same time make sure you didn't skip one <3


Valencia's pov

"Do you want to go off campus? I'm tired of seeing the same shit" Jace says, throwing a tennis ball at the wall. Everyone ditched me today and Jace isn't a bad person so here I am sitting in my dorm hanging out with him. "Where would we go?" I go into the fridge putting away the jug of water.

"There's a huge target, maybe about twenty five minuets away from here. There's also this diner I swear they have the best cheese fries and milkshakes"

"What are we waiting for then" I grab a hoodie and put on my crocs. He grabs his phone and keys rushing out the door. "I'll meet you in the car" He turns to me uncomfortably before walking off. Silas, Vadik and Emira stand outside his dorm with their arms crossed.

I don't say anything to them, I make sure my door is locked and put my keys in my pocket. "How Ironic you get upset because Tatiana said something about her and I but you're alone in your room with Jace" Silas says leaning on his door frame. "There's a difference you fuck Tatiana and I don't fuck Jace. Doesn't matter how I feel it's your dick and she's the one spreading her legs not me" His face drops I push past them rolling my eyes.

I spot Niovi, Orion and Larissa coming out of the elevator. I decided to go to the stairs. They all said they couldn't hang out but that was just because it was me. They had enough time for each other, just not enough to add me into it.

Finding more friends on campus is a must.

"You alright love?" Jace asks when I go outside. "Yeah I'm fine just dying to get off campus" He smiles leading the way to his car. He opens the door for me. I thank him. Once he gets in he pulls out of the parking lot starting the drive to target.

"What are we even going to get at target?" I ask him he shrugs and pulls into the highway turning on the radio. "Target has everything, even shit we don't need. We'll find something to get there even if we don't need its target" I laugh, deciding to bother Sante through messages.

Sante: Valencia I will block you if you keep blowing up my phone

Valencia: Who else am I supposed to bother?

Sante: Bother dad

Valencia: Fine

Jace pulls up to target parking the car. "You ready love?" I nod and we both get out of the car and he gets a cart. "Hop in" I jump in the cart laughing when he runs inside the store. We go around in circle and circles throwing random shit in the cart.

We got kicked out of target.

Now we're in the parking lot of the diner Jace mentioned. The food should be good because I'm hungry.

Jace opens the door and we go inside sitting in a booth. The waiter hands us each a menu saying he'll give us time to look at it. "What's your favorite ice cream?" Jace asks, putting down his phone. "My favorite is cookies n cream."

"Best milkshake on the menu. You know what you want to get?"

"Yeah I'll just get the cookies n cream milkshake with a burger and fries."

"Yeah i'll get the same" Jace places the order and we start our waiting time. I checked my notification seeing that Niovi, Emira and Larssia texted me.

Niovi~ Hey babes I hope your alright <3

Emira~ Hey love went to your dorm but you weren't there :(

Larissa~ I am going to kill Silas but tomorrow we're going shopping for your birthday outfit and you can not say no

I put my phone down when the food comes not wanting to be rude to Jace. "try the milkshake love"

"Oh my god this has to be one of the best milkshakes I've had," Jace nods, putting ketchup on his fries. The best milkshakes were the ones Elieso made but this is a close second. This place is so close to campus I'm mad that I didn't find it earlier.

I can't wait to get my car back. It's sitting in the garage at home untouched, well besides the repairs I asked dad to send to the mechanic. "Your chips are going to get cold love" He points to the fries. "Jace there fries"

"Fuck you know what I meant love, sometimes I say fries sometimes I say chips some shit."

"So in London you call fries chips so what do you call chips then?"

"We call them crips."


"Yes love"

"You British people are weird" He smiles, shaking his head. We continue to talk about random bullshit until we finish our food. He pays for the tab after arguing with me about it. The drive back to campus is a comfortable silence.

It was a good day, I can't complain.


I love their friendship

Q/A~ Silas fucked up didn't he?

862 words

Don't forget to follow the authors instagram for exclusives


Until we meet again <3

~Yaniris0919 <3

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