Chapter 3: Kill Me Now Please

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Valencia's pov

I wake up to the sound of my alarm nagging me. The sound of my alarm happens to be my phone so I can't throw it across the room.

It's 6:30 in the morning. I am dreading this day already. Putting my speaker on I don't put it too high. I don't know if these rooms are soundproof. I'd hate for the hall to hate me.

I put my hair up in a bun, careful not to wet it. I don't feel like wetting it. My hair isn't curly, it's wavy. I've been told I have red hair but then I have brown hair.

My hair is just a medium amber. It naturally comes out of my head like that. I shut off the water wrapping the towel around my body.

Stupid uniform.

I put the socks on before tucking my shirt into my skirt. Sneakers it is. They never said It has to be a specific shoe.

Grabbing my straightener I went over a few strands that didn't quite stay how they were supposed too.

Getting my bag I went downstairs to find the cafeteria after a few minutes. I see everyone with the groups. Easier for me. Putting on my headphones I go on line getting an omelet with a waffle and fruit.

I take my place In the corner by the wall. Looks like everyone avoids this area. I start to eat while looking through my feed when I notice someone standing in front of me.

"Valencia, what a surprise. You're looking beautiful this morning. " Vadik says I groan, letting out a deep breath. "Oh my gosh Vadik I'm going to chop your dick off if you keep bothering her." A blonde says, hitting him in the back of the head.

"I'm so sorry for him. My name's Niovi, you must be new me and a few friends sit just in those booths over there. Come join us I promise they aren't all like Vadik" I think she can see how hesitant I am. "I'll control Vadik" why not. I don't think there's a harm in meeting new people.

I grab my tray following her to the rows of booths. "Vadik you know damn I sit there move" Niovi says he rolls his eyes pulling up a chair sitting at the edge of the tabel. "You know you guys are so boring this morning. We need something to spice this say up"

My eyes meet Silas and he immediately moves down letting me sit next to him. "Thank you" He gives me a faint smile before putting his head back in his book. Never took him as the type to enjoy reading. "Who's your friend Niovi?" The dirty blonde says putting his hand on her back.

Anyone here would be an idiot if they didn't see he likes her a lot. "I'm Valencia. I just moved into dorm 1115." They all look at me like I have three heads when I say that. "You're the girl who slammed the door in Vadiks face. I like you already, I'm Emira. Orion is the dirty blonde and this is Khnos. The one with his face in his book is Silas" They look friendly.

"Hey Mr. Romance if you didn't notice the hot chick sitting next to you look to your right" Vadik slams Silas book on the table. Silas looks up at him rolling his. He looks at me and I see him starting to get nervous. His grey eyes filled up with different emotions.

He tries to speak but not words come out. A blush of embarrassment goes to his face as he stands up from the table leaving. "It's alright Valencia, he's just extremely shy. He doesn't do well talking to people" Khnos says I take no offense to it.

Sante used to be the same way. During highschool he broke out of it after sophomore year of highschool. Mom said I corrupted him. All I did was help him like he asked me too. I took him to a few parties and made him talk to a few people. It took time but then he became comfortable with people.

"My friends call me Enica." Vadik gives me a smirk before Silas sit's back down. He doesn't say anything but his face is a rosey red and his hands are shaking. I don't mention it because I don't want to be rude or overstep. I notice every book he has is a romance book.

Truly is a lover boy

The bell rings signaling us that class is starting. Silas is the first one to leave the table quickly grabbing his bag. "What classes do you have?" Khons asks me to show them my classes. They say we have all the same ones. I'm thankful that I'll at least know a few people in my classes.

I sit next to Vadik seeing people starting to pile in. "Here come your little fuck buddies" Orion groans looking at Vadik. Silas just has his eyes captured on the book he's reading.

"Get up" A fake blonde stands in front of me. I look at her rolling my eyes, getting comfortable. "I'm good there are plenty of other seats around the room" She looks taken aback like no one has ever told her no before. I guess there's a first for everything.

"I don't know who you are but you're in my seat so move" Her russian accent is insanely thick. "Your name isn't on it right. Bye bye" She grows visibly angry clenching her fist in anger.

"Just find another seat Tatiana" So that's her name. She stomps her foot on the ground like a fucking child. "Vadik, are you serious right now?" He nods and she becomes angry.

"vse eto dlya suki, kotoraya ne trakhayet tebya luchshe, chem ya" (all this for a bitch who doesn't fuck you better than I do) She's asking for it. 

"Poslushay, suka, ya ne znayu, zabotish'sya li ty o sebe, no ty uznayesh' odnu veshch': ya ne tsenyu, kogda lyudi govoryat der'mo. Osobenno na drugom yazyke" (Listen Bitch I don't know if you care about you but one thing you're going to learn is I don't appreciate people talking shit. Especially in a different language) 

Her eyes go wide and she walks to the other side of the classroom sitting by the window. "You know russian?" Vadik says with an impressed look on his face. "Yes I know Russian, I know a few languages" The professor comes in and I take out my laptop, opening a new file up.

After a dreadful few hours school is finally done. What sucks is that we already have a huge pile of homework. I get my text book open on the coffee table and put my laptop next to it while I make a checklist in my notebook.

Kill me now please.


Valencia is a mood

Q/A~ What do you want to see happen?

1175 words

Until we meet again <3

~Yaniris0919 <3

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