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Valencia's pov

I let out a deep breath looking at myself in the mirror. A whole new dress with a whole new ending. It's been ten years since Silas and I got divorced, it's also been ten years since he married Tatiana. They are happy together. It hurt for a really long time but I had to move on not just for my health but for my kids. I didn't want them to see me crying all the time.

Jace was there through it all. He helped me heal and move on. It was starting from square one again. This time I came out much stronger and knew I had the people who cared about me around me.

"Mom Beckham wants apple juice. Do I give it to him?" Ruby asks me holding her little brother on her lap. "No it's okay Ruby I'll give it to him, he's just grumpy because he woke up from his nap" I take the three year old from her.

I put some apple juice in his sippy cup. He happily takes it sitting next to Ruby. "Where's daddy?" He says yawning. "We're going to see daddy soon." He rest his head on his sisters side she smiles letting him.

After Ruby I thought I wouldn't have anymore kids. Elesio and Ruby were my world. Everything I did and still do is for them of course with their siblings added along.

Jace was helping me move on and I did but I also fell deeply in love with him. It was one of the scariest moments in my life. I sat and talked with Sante about it for hours.

It took me 4 months after that to tell him and when I did he cried. We've been dating for 8 years and engaged for two of the eight. I have two kids with him Ansel who is 6 and Beckham who is 3.

He never once said he only had two kids. He doesn't even call Elesio and Ruby his step kids. To him those are his kids and nothing will change his mind. I am glad he loves them as much as I do. Seeing their relationship with him makes my heart swell.

Eliseo and Ruby started calling Jace dad a few years ago. They had asked me about it so I asked Silas. He is still their biological dad and does what he can for them. He was a bit angry at first but then he came around and told them it was okay.

Silas and I may not be together but he is still the father of my first two kids . He'll always be a part of my life whether I want him to or not. We will never have the friendship we once had but I forgave him.

I did it more for the kids. The only things I can thank him for are my kids and for hurting me. If I would have never found out about him and Tatiana I would have never gotten with Jace or had my other two kids.

"You look beautiful Encia" Sante says coming into the room hugging me tightly. "Thank you Sante" I tell him fanning my face

"You look beautiful too grumpy" Ruby playfully rolls her eye's thanking Sante. Out of all the kids Ruby is definitely the grumpiest hence her nickname.

She has a soft spot for very few people. Even then it'll still be hard for her to open up. "You ready? Dads waiting downstairs" Sante says I take one last look at myself nodding.

Sante holds Beckham for me while I manage to make it down these flights of stairs. Ruby hands me my bouquet of flowers. Jace and I decided just to have the kids as our bridesmaid and groomsmen. It was not only easier but more special to us.

We stand in front of the doors and dad comes and I hook my arm around his. "Are you ready Enica?" He ask I feel my nerves kicking in. Ruby and Eleiso walk down with Beckham and Ansel. I let out a deep breath. "For Jace? Always" We start to walk down.

When Jace see's me the biggest smile comes to his face. Getting to the end of the aisle Jace steps down and dad hugs me tightly. "I love you Valencia" He whispers in my ear. "I love you more dad" I tell him. He hands me off to Jace who takes my hand as we step in front of the officiant.

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