Chapter 24: Shut Up

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Chapter 21-27 were released at the same time make sure you didn't skip one <3


Silas pov

It's already March. Halfway through the school year just one year left. I have a degree and I'll be out of High Prep. Hopefully I'll have a future with Valencia.

Everything is just perfect as it is right now. "Are you going to the movie theater with us?" Emira asks I shake my head no. "I have to finish my essay for english it's nowhere near started" Valencia frowns looking at me.

"Do you want me to stay with you, I could help you finish it" She offers as much as I want to accept it I don't. "Knowing how I am around you we wouldn't finish the essay. Go have fun at the movies i'll be here when your back petal"

"Fine call me if anything lover boy"

"Numbers already dialed in petal" She smiles, placing a kiss on my lips going to the elevator. I go to my room to get my key to unlock the door. I go inside hearing a cough and my heart dropping.

"What are you doing here?" I look at the people who created me with nothing but disgust filling my body. "Wow Silas you've gotten so big, the pictures don't do you justice" Mom tries to hug me I back away

"Don't touch me"

"Now boy you know that isn't any way to speak to your mother" Dad says I roll my eyes trying to control my anger. "I don't have a mother, I have a sperm and egg donor. Now if you may I have shit to do get out"

"Silas we need to talk to you" Dad says I huff not paying attention to them. I go into the fridge getting out a bunch of fruit cutting them up. "Silas when you're done with school you're not going back with your grandparents" I put the fruit in the blender turning it on.

No shit after I'm done with school I'm getting my own place. I already started looking and I found a few options. By the time I graduate I'll be 23 going on 24. I'll have my degree, Nonno is going to pass everything down to me. I'll be set.

"Silas you're coming home with us when you're done with school, this summer we want you to spend it with us" I freeze looking at them like aliens. They really think that I'm going to do that?

Maybe a few years ago yeah but now fuck no. Over my dead fucking body. "You guys are funny. I already have plans over the summer. I've asked you before I'm going to ask you again. Get the fuck out of my dorm" I pour my drink in the cup. I put everything in the sink hoping by the time I turn around they're gone.

They like to disappear. I wonder why now they chose to come back? It can't be because of money Nonno sends them money every month. They have the freedom to do whatever they want. Why come back to me now. They never raised me. They left me to feel like I was the problem.

"Silas yes we understand you're angry with us for giving you to your grandparents but we're here now" Mom says I turn looking at them feeling my veins about to explode.

"You left me to go live your life. I was 5. Do you not understand? You told me we were going to the store. You left me and I didn't see you for 3 years after that. Then on my 8th birthday you came back. I thought we could be a happy family but no you told me that I was holding them back from living your life. You guys were never there for me. I didn't need you then I don't need you now. I learned to fucking tie my shoe without you, I learned to get dressed alone without you, to do my hair, to take care of myself. I learned to do everything that you were supposed to teach me alone, all you wanted to go be drunk or high somewhere. You know what I actually wasn't alone I had nonno and nonna but did it ever occur to you once that I needed you. I hated seeing everyone grow up with their parents. I was always the weird one, the problem because not one parent but both left me. So I'm sorry that I'm not forgiving you right now but you don't deserve my forgiveness. You deserve nothing from me. Now Get. Out. Of. My. Dorm"

Mom has tears streaming down her face dad just sighs taking her hand leaving my dorm. I let out a deep breath slamming my fist against the marble constantly.

I take my phone and call the person who I know won't ask questions. I just need to get this anger out of my system. In a way that won't kill anyone.

"I need you" I tell her picture her smirk on the other side of the phone. "I'll be there in 2 minutes" She hangs up. I run my hands through my hair, my blood full of anger.

The nerve they had to just show up and feel they can take control of my life. I'm fucking 22 they lost there privileges to me when they walked out on me. They never wanted to be parents.

A knock on my door takes me out of my thoughts. I open it, locking it behind her. "I'm glad you finally came to your senses" I roll my eyes grabbing the back of her neck taking her lips to mine.

I lift her up wrapping her legs around my waist, my tongue dancing with hers. She runs her hands through my hair when we make it to the room she takes over removing my shirt.

Her lips kissing down my neck and stomach stopping above my happy trail. "I bet your glad I'm on my knees for you" I roll my eyes she smirks

"Shut up Tatiana"



Q/A~ Silas hate page?

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Until we meet again <3

~Yaniris0919 <3

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