Chapter 5: Likes To Be Alone

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Silas pov

It's officially been a month since school started. It's weird because we start August 1st and most schools here don't start till September but it is what it is. The workload is a lot but we all manage to help each other out with it.

Valencia has been locking herself in her room for the past few days. When we see her, her eyes are bloodshot red, her face puffy like she'd been crying. Nobody asked her what was wrong but I feel so bad.

No one should have to feel alone. Locking your feelings inside is the thing that kills us.

"They're having a party in the house next to us. It's on the third floor. You guys down?" Orion says everyone agrees with him but I shake my head no. "Come on Silas you agreed to have more fun this year"

"Yeah I know but parties aren't really my thing"

"Fine but the next one you're definitely going too" We'll see about that. Yeah sure I drink and I smoke but why do I have to go to a party to do that. I can simply do it in the comfort of my room. Preferably with a book in my hand.

I watch as Valencia comes inside the class right before the bell rings. Tatiana already took her seat next to Vadik so I moved her bag letting her sit next to me. She looks so tired like she hasn't slept in days. We have a three and a half hour lecture right now. There's no way she's going to be able to sit through it.

"How long did you sleep?" I ask her if the bags under her eyes say it all. "I couldn't sleep, I haven't had the chance to sleep the last couple of days. Just been tossing and turning" I feel horrible for her.

Maybe something happened at home? I hope she knows she's allowed to get time off if she needs it. She opens her laptop, yawing. I notice her screen saver is a picture of her, her younger brother and who I think might be her older brother.

She never mentioned having an older brother.

Then again she doesn't mention anything about her personal life. "Encia you need sleep" I tell her but she brushes me off. The bell rings and we wait for the professor to come in. "wake me up when he comes" She rests her arms on the desk before laying her head on it.

I open my laptop letting it cover her as she starts to sleep. I take my sweater from behind the chair, bunching it up as a pillow and putting it under her head. She looks peaceful when she's sleeping.

I probably look like a creep staring at her right now. Breaking my gaze I put my headphones on getting out my book. I immediately go straight into my book not bothering to deal with anyone else right now.

Reading became an escape for me when my parents left me. I remember that night picking up a book and falling in love with the imaginations it gave me. No matter what book I opened I alway got lost into it.

Doing that I kept to myself most of my life. I'd say I have a fear of abandonment but I also have a fear of rejection. I can't bear the thought of me opening up to someone and finally admitting I feel something for them and they don't feel the same.

We all are human. It is bound to happen but it is a huge fear I have. "Silas, it's been twenty minuets were allowed to leave because he didn't show up" Niovi says I put my book down seeing more than half of the class left.

"I'll meet you guys in the next class" they nod, seeing Encia sleeping next to me. We're the only two in the class right now and she looks at peace. I don't want to be the one to ruin it. My hand goes to her hair brushing it out her face. Her lips are more pout she holds onto the sweater for dear life.

The bell rings after another hour, making her jump out of her seat. "Fuck" she mumbles looking around the class her eyes red as she rubs them. "Where is everyone?"

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