Chapter 6:Official Yet

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Valencia's pov

It's been two week since I told Silas about Elieso. I don't know why I did but I felt so comfortable around him. It scared me so much because I'm not used to that.

I haven't been okay since Eliseo died.

This stupid uniform is going to be the death of me. I still don't understand why we have to wear it "awe is someone on their period" Vadik says when I go to the table. "Do you want a knife in your eye"

"I don't see why you're always so pissed. Why don't you smile like Silas is right now"

"Silas has his head in a book. I don't think anyone here is actually smiling." Khons laughs Emira comes sitting next to him he wraps his arms around her pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Hey beautiful" She smiles at him

"So is it official yet?" Niovi asks them and they nod.

"He asked me last week I said yes" Emira blushes leaning into Khons who just has a happy expression. The bell rings and we all make our way to class. Tatiana throws herself at Vadik; he doesn't protest sitting her on his lap. I roll my eyes going next to Silas who pulls out the chair for me.

I give him a smile, he just looks away going back to his book. He drops his notebook. I reach out and grab it for him, noticing his breath getting quicker. "Th-thank y-yo-you" I nod at him while putting on my headphones. I start to write my report for Macro

The professor comes in and I lower down my music so that I am still able to hear him. The essay, thankfully, is only three pages. In English I still have to finish my ten page paper. I'm going to try and finish it tonight. Maybe if I go to one of the library study rooms or even to the kitchen when no one is there. It makes it easier to focus.

In my room I have all my distractions. Plus Emira and Niovi trying to get me to go out. I would go out with them if my work was done. I don't want to hear mom in my ear if she finds out I turned in a paper late.

"Valencia, can you give us the answer to number six" The professor takes me out of my thoughts and all eyes are on me at this point. "Um no" His face looks as if he's taken aback by my response.

"Why's that?"

"Because I don't know it"

"I don't like your tone Ms. D'Angelo bring it down"

"No thanks I think i'm fine exactly how I am"

"Get out of my classroom" I stay seated moving my pen around my fingers. He repeated himself again. I yawn, tying my hair back. "Valencia I am not going to repeat myself, get out"

"You just repeated yourself"

He stomps out of the classroom getting security. I just shrug my shoulders, not caring. Maybe if I get kicked out of this place I can finally go somewhere else. Somewhere that I can be free. "Come on Valencia you know the drill" I roll my eyes grabbing my bag following the security guard out.

I hear Tatiana mumble something under her breath. I turn around walking her way. "You got something to say bitch. Speak up or you're too afraid" The security guards grab me before I can lunge at her taking me out of the classroom.

They bring me up to Principal De Santis office. He sighs when he sees me. He motions for me to sit down and security leaves the room. "Valencia, this is the 4th time this week you've been sent to me. It's Friday" De Santis says, rubbing his temples.

"Stupid fucking professors. Then Tatiana she's lucky I haven't had the chance to get my hands on her"

"You remind me so much of my wife"

"I don't know if that's a good or bad thing"

"Well seeing Silas has taken a liking to you i'd say it's a good thing. I am going to have to put you on kitchen duty for a week"

"Does it have to be serving or can I just clean the kitchen?"

"Knowing how you are, definitely cleaning, it falls perfectly because we had no one to clean the kitchen in your dorm house. By now your classes are over, your free to go just try to stay out of trouble "

"No promises"

I got out of his office walking across campus back to my dorm house. I go into my room taking my laptop out of my bag and throwing the rest to the side. I start to do stats playing music on my speaker. As much as I hate math it's freaking required.

I keep doing my homework stopping to warm up a cup of noodles. I'm not really hungry but it's just to settle down for now. I look at the time seeing it's already then thirty. Kitchen is done and now it's my time to clean it. I put my phone in my pocket, turning up my headphones.

There's not too many plates that have to get cleaned but it's a decent amount. I turn on the water starting with the plates first. I find comfort in music.

Sometimes it reminds me of when Elieso used to read to me. Music is the words you want to hear sung to you. Just like reading is the words you want someone to say to you.

They go hand in hand perfectly.

What if Elieso was still here?

Would I have gone off the rails still?

Would I have still been sent to Highpoint?

I feel like Elieso would be mad at me right now. He'd tell me that he is disappointed in the person I've become. I wish I could just talk to him for 5 minutes. Even if it was him just yelling at me I miss him. I miss hearing his voice. I miss his hugs, I miss him reading to me.

I just miss Elieso.

Once I finish the plates I put them all on the rack before rinsing out the pans. Those get hung up and I start to dry the plates. I jump up when someone touches my shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Silas says, holding my arms.

"Don't scare me like that"

"I just wanted to know if you wanted help" He stutters in between his words. I throw a rag ath him and he catches it taking the wet plates drying them. He doesn't say anything but when I catch him staring at me he shys away.

For some reason his presence is comforting. I wish he would speak more or not be so closed off but who am I to say anything. He probably went through his own trauma. Maybe he just likes being alone. "There are no more plates" He whispers as I look at my empty hand and the stack of plates realizing I zoned out.

"Oh thank you Silas, I appreciate it" I give him a smile while grabbing my bag. I'll do my English paper tomorrow. He opens the door for me following behind me. The elevator ride is dangerously silent. He practically runs off when the doors open.

I brush it off getting my key out. "Valencia what a surprise" I hear Tatiana's annoying voice. I turn around putting on the fakest smile that I can. "What can I help you with?" She plays with her extra long acrylics.

"Stay away from Vadik and Silas"

"If you haven't noticed my dorm is in the same hall as them"

"Jace has taken a liking to you why don't you fuck him. Silas and Vadik are mine. Alright? I'd hate to have to show you the hard way. Cute top it enhances your breast" She walks away leaving me there too stunned to speak.

Silas and Tatiana?

I go into my room making sure the door is locked. I sit on the island stool running my hands through my hair. For some reason it doesn't sit right with me. I can understand why Vadik but Silas?

Deep down my gut is telling me to listen to her.


I feel bad for Valencia

Q/A~ Silas and Tatiana?

1381 words

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Until we meet again <3

~Yaniris0919 <3

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