🕴️Crazy JRPG idea

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Not a story this time; a weird idea for a computer RPG; probably somewhat ecchi flavoured. It's not really a plot bunny, but I thought I may as well share it here in case it inspires anything; some parts of it could probably go into a story. (When moving this story from Plot Babies to Naughty Thoughts, I realise I've written a new idea that uses a vaguely similar idea. That will be the first "new" idea in this book after I finish moving them over)

Imagining arranging clothes/armour/etc on a character like a dress up doll; almost every item has both advantages and disadvantages. (different materials block different kinds of magical energy; "normal clothes" likely inhibit MP recovery; armour is heavy and makes you slower) so you're trying to find a compromise

The "optimal" combat configuration is probably wearing very little. Depending on how powerful your magic is, fighting naked could well be better than most of the equipment in the first half of the game

A character's "shame" stat determines the minimum amount of clothes they have to wear before you're allowed to leave the changing room (in the menu); and slowly decreases through various events (many of them optional) in game. Possibly if you're not wearing enough, the dress-up body in the equip menu becomes pixelated. Some clothes, like sashes and shawls, can be placed on different parts of your body.

I'm imagining that as well as plot events; some tentacle monsters will also have attacks inflicting negative status that also reduce your shame threshold.

Close to the "shame" minimum clothes threshold, the character is visibly blushing in menus and cutscenes, including their portrait in the menus

And the items/accessories that have a net positive effect compared to nudity are likely overt fetish outfits

Now I'm thinking you could have magic rings/bangles/etc that can be worn in different places on the body; and some combinations have effects that are modified by how close they are. So you get more fine control than just equip/unequip. Maybe magic bracelets need a certain distance between them; so you can equip more of them in a sleeveless shirt

(magic jewellery has to be visible. So you're limited to 10 magic rings unless barefoot)

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