Black Widows Society

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Seven young women have their own stories, and their own emotional baggage. They're mostly friends of friends, or acquaintances, but what they have in common is really bad experiences with really bad men of one kind or another. They've gone on a trip together in the hopes of finding hot holiday romance; wondering if being with friends in a similar situation would make them more appealing to guys. But none of them are really over their exes (all of whom seem to be pure evil, from the stories they shared). And someone suggests that they make a game of it when they get back, to make sure they can all find a new start next time. They're each going to write down their ex's name, contact details, personality, biggest sin, and biggest fear. And then they draw them out of a hat, each woman getting one guy to get revenge on, "Secret Satan" style. They ham it up a bit, like they're assassins solving each other's "little problems". There's little discussion of what form revenge will actually take, but they all know it's going to be something inventive and spiteful. And without the personal attachment, they're not going to make mistakes like they would trying to get their own revenge.

They they get home from their trip, and start thinking about revenge. The main character initially thinks of it as a fun mental exercise; she isn't sure if she's actually going to go through with it, and doubts most of the others will, but the guy she's targeting is so messed up evil that she feels obligated to do something to take him down a peg or two on behalf of her friend.

Everything changed when her ex (a selfish jerk who cared about his motorbike more than her, and stole money from her friends and family to get himself a new one) is pulled off his bike by a wire stretched between two telegraph poles. He almost dies, and the wire has a list of all the money he's stolen from her threaded onto one end of the wire, which makes her the prime suspect.

She's sure that someone is taking this revenge game a bit too seriously; it's just supposed to be a prank. But when she tries to explain to the cops, her own "revenge card" has gone missing, so there's no evidence of the game. She tries to contact the others and find out who was getting revenge for her, but half of them aren't returning her calls. So she has little support, trying to figure out which of them is actually a killer. Especially not when another guy is murdered. Before long, it turns out that all of the women, even the two who hadn't actually looked at the papers to see who they were getting revenge on, have had those bits of paper stolen. Someone is going to get revenge for all of them, and paranoia grows as they try to figure out who it is. Several of them are shocked; thinking that killing is over the top even for their exes, and beg the others to stop... but they can't be sure who is responsible when all of them deny it.

Eventually it turns out that the guys have their own revenge club. Seeing all their girlfriends going away together, they decided to have some kind of party to celebrate their freedom or drown their sorrows. But two of them, the worst of the abusers, decide that this is the perfect opportunity for a rather complex fraud. The men barely know each other, but shared some secrets when they were drinking together and talking about the demise of their relationships. And one of them had a secret that could make someone a fortune; as long as nobody at his place of work finds out that he's stolen certain documents. His death sets the stage for a big financial crime, and blaming his jealous ex is good to get the police off the right track. His ally in this scheme is one of the other evil exes; the cop who investigated the crime. He's the one who figured that they could use the revenge club, and took the revenge cards while the girls were being interrogated. He's found out that he enjoys hurting people; the other wronged guys were too weak in his mind, and should be punished. And he's sure that he'll be able to make some money off various side-hustles while he eliminates every other guy who could link him to the group, before framing his own girlfriend for the murders.

This story probably ends up with some of the women trying to protect their exes, a very high-tension emotional environment, while some of them are just the same, some are trying to play the nice guy card, and some of the women might find that the men they were planning to get revenge on are actually pretty appealing.

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