Chapter 7: The Sixth Sense

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Matvei walked around Alyssa's home with a few of his men still in shock. The home was even rougher in the daylight and definitely screamed crime scene. He still wasn't sure how the death trap was ever listed and that continued to infuriate him.

His other men congregated in the kitchen which held most of the visible damage and he could hear them groaning from where he stood. They obviously did not like what they were seeing and as he looked at more things with the sun's light shining through, it was evident that they might literally have to start from scratch.

"Fuck!" Matvei groaned causing his right hand to chuckle. "It's not going to be that bad, Matvei. You act like we haven't dealt with worse before." Matvei looked at Angel with a scowl.

"If you're referring to the house in Houston, this is nothing like that. That renovation was for a lovely older couple that were both patient and kind. This client is neither of those things."

Angel nodded his head with a laugh as they headed down the stairs. "The infamous client that has all your feathers ruffled. Honestly, Matvei she must be a terror if she's got you wound up like this. No one gets to you like this. Hell, no one gets to you period." Matvei grunted as they made their way to some of their men in the living room.

Matvei stopped in his tracks at what he saw before glaring. "What the fuck is going on in here?" He spoke out. Alyssa looked at him before rolling her eyes. "I invited Alyssa to do a walk through with you. She wants some upgrades that I agreed to and after talking with Asher Reynolds, I know anything she wants has been preapproved." Mikhail smiled at Alyssa and Matvei loudly scoffed.

"You see there, Matthew. That's grade A customer service." Alyssa smiled sarcastically before looking at the men. "It isn't much, but I brought you guys some breakfast as a thanks for helping fix up the shit show that is my home."

The men smiled widely at her and the large bags in her hands. Matvei just watched as each of his men fell for her. His skin was on fire with how annoyed she made him. He hated that she was obviously caring. It took away from the bitchy persona he gave her in his mind.

"We have work to do. There's no time for pleasantries, Alyssa." Matvei spat out. She looked at him with angry eyes. Alyssa felt it once more. That wave of emotion that only Matvei seemed to pull. He irritated her with his loud voice and stupidly handsome face.

She would never speak up against someone that looked like him, but fear was the farthest thing from her mind whenever they were together. Frustration? Mostly. Anger? Yes. Sexual Tension? Absolutely. However, neither was ready or willing to admit that last bit to themselves.

"Mikhail said we needed to do a walk through so a plan can be figured out for this dumpster fire. We walk, they eat. Simple as that, Matthew." He glared at her. "And don't even think about touching these glorious breakfast tacos. None of this good eating is for your ass."

Angel burst out laughing after trying to hold it in and failing. He had known Matvei since he took over his family's realty and construction business. Angel was hired as his right hand and had helped him build noteworthy homes ever since.

In the many years Angel had known Matvei he had never met someone that made him as irritable as Alyssa. Matvei orbited on angry with a brooding nature, but no one got to him on such a level. He'd just punch the shit out of those who angered him and go about his day if the mood struck.

Alyssa was different. She affected him and he thought it was hilarious. It was obvious to him that Matvei's irritation stemmed from the very real fact that Alyssa and all her beauty had clearly nestled under his skin. Angel watched as Matvei ran a frustrated hand through his long hair and spoke up.

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