Chapter 8: The Dark Knight Rises

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Matvei stared at the man in front of him with a subtle smirk. He loved this part of the job. He was best at it despite everyone assuming due to his size that the more physical aspects of being a contractor of sorts for the mafia would be his style.

Interrogating was essential in this field. Getting answers by any means necessary meant aiding his employers and getting paid the hundreds of thousands he made with every assignment.

Matvei wasn't above the physical aspects though. He got dirty a lot more than his uncle would like, but it was a part of the job. He tortured and killed because his role as a Melnik man sometimes called for it. He also did it more times than not to ensure Mikhail never had to.

Andre Torres was known among Mexican gangs throughout Texas. He was only on Matvei's list because he crossed Guillermo Ortiz, leader of the Mexican cartel.

It was more than just the money he owed. It was the disrespect shown and the boundaries crossed that landed him on top of a growing list of men and women to capture, torture or kill for the various mafias that had employed the Melnik family for generations.

"The great Matvei Melnik. The Collector. What is such a big man like yourself doing here? Surely, you have better things to do than to be here seeing little ole me. Did the mafias' bitch boy carve out some time in his busy schedule to pay me a visit?"

Matvei let out a chuckle never breaking eye contact. Andre was scared. That much was obvious to Matvei, but his defensive behavior was different. This was the point when his victims were usually a blubbering mess with snot and tears running down their faces because they knew the jig was always up the moment he stepped into a room.

There was definitely something up. Andre was behaving differently. Bolder. Matvei knew why but wanted to triple check. "Podmetatʹ mesto (Sweep the place)." Matvei said to Angel who stood behind him with some of the Melnik men.

Angel nodded his head before taking two men with him. He was more than Matvei's righthand on the legal side of things. He was also along for the ride when it came to the very illegal dealings.

Matvei's uncle initiated him into the family business soon after Angel proved that Matvei was like family to him and therefore would have his back no matter what. Angel was willing and able to do what needed to be done for both Matvei and the rest of the Melnik clan.

Matvei fought it initially. He didn't need a partner. However, he knew Angel not having much of a family of his own made the Melnik crew that much more appealing. It also helped that Matvei wanted Mikhail far away from this life and having a trusted filler sat well with both him and his uncle.

It took time but Angel proved himself to everyone especially Matvei. Years later Matvei still says he simply tolerates Angel, but Angel knows better and is fine with the unspoken bond.

Andre scanned the room looking at his men behind him with their guns drawn. They were greatly outnumbered and weren't dumb enough to try anything, but Matvei assumed their stance brought them false comfort.

Andre was sweating bullets as Matvei eyed him. He needed to get himself together. Despite his anxiety he knew he'd make it out of there alive. He was Andre Torres for fuck's sake.

"You've been very bad, Andre. Trying to take over the Machete gang knowing Guillermo has plans for them. Did you honestly think you'd get away with it?"

Andre scoffed not making eye contact. "I don't have to answer to your bitch ass. If your master has something to say, tell him to say it to my face." Matvei chuckled once more. He moved so swiftly that Andre nor his men saw what happened next.

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