Epilogue II: Past Lives

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Alyssa smiled widely at her cousin. "Harlow. I  like it." Harlow returned her smile. "I appreciate it, cuz, but are you going to invite us in or..." Alyssa squeaked. "I am so sorry! I got y'all out here like the sun ain't sunnin'. Please, come on in." Harlow smiled at her. "You're so country. I swear moving to Seattle has taken away my twang." 

Alyssa laughed at her pout as they took their seats in the living room. "You can take a girl out of the South, but you can't take the South out of the girl." Harlow snapped twice. "I know that's right!" 

As Henry observed the playful banter between his daughter and niece, a bittersweet smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Their interactions stirred memories of a time long past, a time when he and his younger brother, Holden, shared a bond that transcended siblinghood. They were inseparable, bound together by a bond forged in shared experiences and unwavering loyalty.

Henry looked at Alyssa who looked like the perfect mix of her mother and father. She had Holden's deep, rich dark skin but Alicia's cheekbones. Her eyebrows and nose were all Alicia, but her smile was truly a replica of her father's. Bright. Light. A guide to joy for all that would join in. Henry thought about how Alyssa smiled more in comparison to her father, but when he did smile all was right in the world and underworld.

Holden had always been more than just a brother to Henry. He was his confidant, his partner-in-crime, his closest friend. They navigated life's ups and downs together, weathering every storm hand in hand. But somewhere along the way, the fabric of their relationship had frayed, torn apart by the cruel hands of Fate - literally.

Henry couldn't shake the weight of guilt that settled like a heavy shroud upon his shoulders. He knew why their once unbreakable bond had splintered, why Holden's laughter no longer echoed through the halls of their home. He had failed to protect him, failed to shield him from the so called light that lurked around them.

The memory of that fateful day haunted Henry's every waking moment, a constant reminder of his own shortcomings and the devastating consequences they had wrought. He had failed to ensure Holden's happily ever after, and for that, he would forever carry the burden of regret.

As Henry observed the lighthearted banter between Harlow and Alyssa, a pang of melancholy tugged at his heartstrings. The sight of their easy camaraderie, their shared laughter and animated gestures, stirred within him a deep sense of longing for what could have been.

He couldn't help but wonder what memories might have been forged if Fate had been kinder, if the shadows of tragedy hadn't cast their dark veil over their lives. How different their family dynamic might have been if Holden, his beloved brother, and Alicia, his cherished sister-in-law, were present to partake in these moments of joy.

In his mind's eye, Henry envisioned a reality where Holden's infectious laughter filled the room, where his mischievous grin mirrored the playful antics of his daughter, Alyssa. He imagined Alicia's gentle presence, her warmth and nurturing spirit enveloping them all in a cocoon of love and security.

Together, they would have embarked upon countless adventures, creating memories to cherish for a lifetime. They would have celebrated milestones, weathered storms, and shared in each other's triumphs and tribulations. Their bond, fortified by love and resilience, would have been unbreakable.

But alas, God made sure their reality was a cruel mistress, and the gaping void left by Holden and Alicia's absence loomed large. Every day his brother was away cast a shadow over joyous moment after moment. Henry couldn't help but mourn the memories that would never be made, the conversations left unspoken, the laughter silenced by the passage of time.

Yet amidst the sorrow and longing, there remained a glimmer of hope and in the laughter of Harlow and Alyssa, Henry found solace, a fleeting glimpse of the happiness that once was and now with Alyssa's reuniting came the promise of brighter days yet to come.

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