Chapter 2: Good Will Hunting

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Matvei made his way into the large office he and his brother ran and smirked. The same lustful gazes from the women in administration always tickled him, but he wasn't an idiot. He knew there was nothing but trouble between their legs.

Matvei never shat where he ate and it was a rule the women working at Melnik Brothers hated. There was even a woman that quit just to fuck him. He did not engage as he could smell the crazy rolling off of her from miles away.

"Final-fucking-ly!" Matvei rolled his eyes at the voice of the only woman that could nag him and not be demolished by his savage retort. Winter Samuels considered herself his best friend since she moved to Austin their junior year of high school. Matvei called her Gnat sometimes because that's what she was. Incessant. Pestering.

She was always by his side and therefore Mikhail's side. Matvei didn't know why he never fought her in the beginning. He had cut people off and ended them for less, but with Winter he just gave in. She told him it was because he knew he needed her just as much as she needed him.

"If you weren't so busy fucking these hoes, you'd have picked up my calls telling you to come in early." Matvei rolled his eyes. "Why would I need to come in early, Gnat?"

Winter glared at him. "You would know that you needed to come in early to have more time to prepare for your rescheduled meeting with Dallas Lewis, but no you were too busy giving measly dick to mediocre hoes."

Matvei's eyes widened. "That meeting is today?!" Winter sucked her teeth. "Yes, ass wipe! I told you yesterday to refrain from hoe activity, but did you listen?!" Matvei groaned as he took a seat in his office chair.

"How much time do I have? Do I at least have fifteen minutes?" Winter glared once more at him before smiling. "You have two hours. I knew you wouldn't heed my words and inevitably partake in what sluts like you do. I made sure the meeting was set for 11. You're welcome, bitch."

Winter knew that look. He wanted to hug her, but Matvei never really displayed affection. Winter had known him since they were 17 and he'd never once hugged her or placed an arm around her when the going got rough. The fact that Mikhail shared with her on a drunken night that Matvei last hugged him when he was 9 shocked her.

She always knew he had his demons that made him the way he was, but it didn't make it any less sad. "Also, you can thank me by picking up cupcakes from We Knead Dough after your meeting that's going to be awesome thanks to my preparations." Matvei groaned loudly. "You know I hate going there." Winter shook her head.

"Matvei, you went there all the time when Tanika Jones ran that place. She handed the keys over and you need to accept that. The least you can do is continue to support the bakery we all know and love and say hello to your mother while there. She said she hasn't seen you since the 4th of July and that was on accident!"

The large man just shrugged his shoulders. That was another thing about Matvei. When he shut down, he shut all the way down and he usually did when it came to his parents. Winter knew not to push too hard when it came to his mother and talking about his father was completely out of the question.

"Prepare for your meeting and focus on wowing Dallas Lewis. Opening the branches in Dallas and now Houston has put us on the map for these bigger fishes. If we can get Reynolds & Reynolds as partners the Melnik Brothers will hit a whole new level of success." He nodded his head before shooing her out.

Matvei knew how important this was for the business. Reynolds & Reynolds was a household name that started in San Antonio and spread through the great state of Texas and on to Louisiana, Oklahoma and Mississippi. They were continuing to expand and Matvei wanted to latch on as swiftly as possible to a winning horse.

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