Chapter 34: To Kill A Mockingbird

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Matvei and Mikhail looked at Helena with grim expressions. "I'm sorry guys. I wish I had more information for you, but these men are beyond stealthy. All of my connects have tried to uncover who is behind the attacks and we've got nothing."

Mikhail looked at Matvei before looking back at Helena. "There's got to be something that was missed, Helena. A name? Tattoo? Footage? Something." Helena sighed pensively before shaking her head. "The cameras at the warehouse were hacked and then blacked out."

It was Matvei's turn to look at Mikhail. "I'll look into that," Mikhail spoke up. "The attempt at the school didn't get far because those kids are beyond lethal already. They were able to capture one of the men present." Matvei and Mikhail looked on with a glimmer of hope that soon dissipated at Helena's solemn expression.

"The man killed himself before they could get anything out of him. He didn't have any identifiable marks or tattoos that could tie him to anyone either. We're in the dark about this and it's pissing a lot of people off."

Matvei groaned as he sat back in his seat. "This is a big deal because of the families currently under attack. No one would be stupid enough to go after the Rossi's, Petrillo's or Ortiz families for instance. Though the Russians, Romanians and Germans aren't new, they are newer and seen as a threat in their joining forces by some. It is important to you boys and your family brand to not only protect them but to ensure what is happening ends swiftly."

Mikhail nodded his head. "I'll take a look at the footage from the warehouse. Thanks for meeting with us Helena." She smiled at them. "I wish I had more news." Mikhail nodded before turning towards Alyssa. When he was met with an empty chair the first emotion to wash over him was panic before anger took over. He literally instructed her to not move from her seat and she did the opposite like every lead in a dumb horror flick.

Matvei could sense his brother's change in mood and turned to follow his gaze. "Where the fuck is she?!" Matvei growled before Helena looked over at the bar. In that moment the club went completely dark.

Alyssa didn't want to be basic and scream. She could tell by the glass restroom door that the entire club was blacked out. She could hear screams from down the hall and what sounded like a miniature stampede and sighed. She was going to try her luck at making her way to her men when she heard slow, drawn out footsteps.

Alyssa wasn't sure why but everything in her told her to hide. She wasn't sure why she was taking off her heels and entering the restroom stall furthest from the door but she was. She listened as the restroom door opened. She could hear the Kill Bill whistle song being whistled lowly as the footsteps took slowed yet purposeful steps.

Alyssa didn't like how she was feeling. She felt dread unlike any other and her anxiety was currently p-poppin' on every nerve. She slowly crouched down to lay on the floor and stopped herself from gagging. The restroom was clean, but it was still a public restroom.

She needed to get out of there. She knew she did and as she slowly and quietly army crawled underneath the stalls, she prayed she would make it out and into the arms of her men once more. 

Alyssa could tell the restroom was still engulfed in darkness and wondered why the man didn't have a flashlight or use a cellphone for light. Alyssa was certain it was a man though. His footsteps sounded large and commanding. She continued to belly crawl quietly until she hit the wall on the other side of the restroom closest to the door. She slid her legs in towards the toilet before kneeling.

She needed to get out of there but wondered what the man was doing just standing in the middle of the women's restroom. He was still whistling and she heard him walk further into the restroom before he kicked the stall door in. Alyssa jumped and covered her mouth simultaneously to stop from screaming.

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