Epilogue IV: The Marvels

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"Don't fret, darling. Your mother is in a holy realm that I can't get to, but we can try using Ayla. God has a weird relationship with Harlow so it's quite possible we can filter messages through Harlow/Ayla." Alyssa looked at Kali curiously. "You are allowed up there?" Kali shrugged. "I don't come out. Those motherfuckers are too high and mighty for me, but yeah I'm technically present."

"Your father loves you, Alyssa. However, when Raphael revealed his plan it broke him. He tried everything to get you out of that orphanage, but God had a very powerful and very crazed nun there that thwarted all of his efforts.

Alyssa shook her head. "The nun was named Sister Florence. They said she committed suicide." Henry smirked before shaking his head no. "We realized we couldn't touch her as long as she was in the orphanage. An anonymous letter was sent to her about an orphanage in New Orleans. Of course, she came happily and that's when I had my fun." 

Alyssa couldn't help but smile at his wicked smile. She could hear Aine in her head happily say "Metal" and knew that meant nothing but trouble. "Is she dead now?" Henry shook his head. "She's currently on the 6th level in Hell being tortured by Lucifer's top soldiers." Alyssa widened her eyes. "You are his right-hand man?" Henry chuckled before nodding.

"I am and he loves you like a daughter. It's because of him that I've been able to keep an eye on you. It's because of him we can torture that bitch the way she deserves." Alyssa looked at him intently. "What are you doing to her? Some flogging?" Henry laughed heartily and it made her want to laugh.

"Sister Florence was a regular teen once upon a time. She got pregnant but the baby was stillborn, honestly, I'm sure God had a hand in that too. Her parents forced her into ministry and eventually she learned to love it and gain favor and power from God. However, I knew that the ache for her dead daughter still resided and I used that."

"Since she's been in Hell she's lived out the life she always secretly desired. Her bum baby daddy didn't leave her when she told him she was pregnant. Instead they celebrated with their families that were so supportive. She had a grueling labor but it was all worth it when she heard her daughter's cry." Alyssa could see the darkness in her uncle's eyes and it was intoxicating.

"She would live out birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and the births of her grandchildren. As she'd prepare to die I'd show up. I'd explain like every time before that this life was a fantasy. A fantasy she didn't deserve and then I'd burn her flesh off for hours only to do it all over again."

Alyssa's mouth was agape. Kali was clapping proudly. Henry looked between the two and shook his head. "Don't worry, Alyssa. You'll get the hang of torture in due time." She shivered at the thought that seemed both scary and invigorating. 

"Your father couldn't take being a part from you. In the beginning he was reckless and picking fights with every angel he could. One night, he picked who he thought was an easy target. It turned out to be Cato." Alyssa tilted her head.

"Cato is a pagan who was placed by God as the guardian of Purgatory." Alyssa gasped. "Holden has resided on the third level of Purgatory since you were just 6 months old." Alyssa wrung out her hands to try and get her bearings.

"Why haven't you been able to save him? You're a big bad! Hell, you're besties to the biggest bad! How could you not get him back?" Henry sighed knowing the remaining information would cause her already shifted axis to shift more so.

"I told you that Holden had demons." Alyssa nodded her head. She was confused as to how this pertained to her father's current status. "He has a lot of demons, darling making it particularly difficult to save him as his demons are on different levels of purgatory." Alyssa's confusion was evident on her face. "Just rip off the band-aid, Dad." Henry turned to see Harlow give him a soft smile.

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