Chapter 47: Inglorious Bastards

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Alyssa made her way to the door thinking it was the guys and that they had left something. She was sorely mistaken. "Hey, Aly." Matvei stated weakly after she opened the door.

He watched as Alyssa looked at him with so many emotions. Sadness. Anger. However, it was the fear in her eyes before closing them that got to him.

It was strange to see her body shift but when her eyes opened, he knew exactly who was in control.

"Guess again, bitch."

Matvei's eyes widened a bit at the sight of Colson. He was so stunned to be in the presence of an alter that he didn't comprehend Colson grabbing him until he was pulled into the show home forcefully.

Colson slammed the door behind them before smirking at Matvei. "I've been waiting for this one. Turn it up!"

Matvei didn't have time to register Colson's words before he was punched in the gut. He leaned over in pain and wished he hadn't as Colson proceeded to head butt him.

"You know...I don't see the appeal. Mikhail, sure. He's handsome with a heart of gold. But you..." Matvei looked to see the venom in Colson's eyes and though he finally acknowledged it wasn't Alyssa the look shown with her face wrecked him.

He was distracted and Colson knew it and used it. He landed another punch but to the ribs and reveled in the way he bent over. "Matvei, when I'm through with'll realize that me and my siblings are very much real and can dole out some serious damage."

Matvei watched in shock as Colson landed a roundhouse kick to his jaw that had him flat on his back in pain. "You're a waste of space. A nonentity. The shit you said. How you make her feel...I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire."

Colson kicked and kicked until Matvei had enough. He knew the error of his ways. He knew the pain his words had caused. He was here to make amends, but Colson wouldn't let up.

Matvei grabbed his foot before pulling it down. Colson landed on his back beside him. "I don't want to fight you. I want to talk to Alyssa. I need to tell her I'm sorry."

"Bullshit." Colson said before hitting Matvei in the face. He jumped up ready to fight. "Get up, ass wipe." Matvei shook his head before sitting up. "Get up and face me like a man!"

"NO!" Matvei yelled before standing up to his full height. He towered over him, but even he recognized how strange it was that Colson seemed taller even in Alyssa's body.

"I need Alyssa, Colson. Please." Colson looked at him and scoffed. "What for? So you can yell at her some more? Spew your words like weapons."

"I didn't...I wasn't...look I'm sorry." Colson punched him once more. "Fuck your sorry. Do you even know why I'm here?!" Matvei registered the rage in his eyes but also the sadness.

"She's scared of you. Alyssa is scared of you. I come out when she's scared or any of my siblings are scared. That's my job. The protector. It sucks when any of them are hurting or scared, but when it's Alyssa...we all feel that shit. You hurt her and because of that I am going to hurt you."

SLAP! Matvei was so upset. Frustrated with himself and the situation. Angry that everything was going to shit because he was terrible with emotions.

Colson's words hit deep. They opened wounds he had tried to forget but couldn't. He knew he shouldn't have reacted, but he couldn't help it. He had snapped.

Colson realized Matvei had snapped the moment the back of Matvei's hand landed on him. Forcefully. Matvei stood still over Colson's body that was now on the floor as the blood poured from his lip.

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