Chapter 21: Into the Wild

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Mikhail sighed at the pout on Alyssa's face. It was the following Friday and despite spending most of the week together it wasn't enough to excuse the fact that he was taking another trip with Asher to Nashville this time.

"Kroshka, you know I can't leave with you making that face." Alyssa whimpered for good measure. "Good! I don't want you to leave!" He sighed once more before pulling her close.

"You know how good this is for me and the business, right?" She nodded her head. "I do, but I'm still mad at you. You've turned me into this needy bitch that can't stand being without you. Got damnit, Mik, you've made me a simp!"

Mikhail threw his head back in a hearty laugh as he watched her pout turn into a frown. "It's okay to be a simp for me, Alyssa. You're my happily ever after." Alyssa couldn't help the smile that spread across her face before rolling her eyes.

They heard a honk and it was Alyssa's turn to sigh. "Babe." Mikhail kissed her forehead and then her lips. "Be a good girl for me, okay. I know what day today is." She waved him off but he pulled her back. "I have a parting gift, if you will."

Alyssa raised an eyebrow before smiling brightly at the Tiffany & Co. box in his hand. "You know you've ruined me, right? I'm a spoiled bitch now. A material gworl, if you will! There's no going back to my humble beginnings."

Mikhail chuckled at her before opening the box. Alyssa gasped at the diamond bracelet and matching earrings. "Baby..." Mikhail smiled at her expression before kissing her once more. "You like it?" Alyssa nodded vehemently. "I love it! Do I want to know how much this cost?" Mikhail shook his head earning a nod.

He took a step back and looked at her bright smile. He knew she loved the present and he knew he loved her more than anything in the world. "I love-" Alyssa's eyes widened with panic at the forefront and Mikhail quickly caught his blunder.

"...the way you look in diamonds. I might have to make this a monthly thing." Her panic soon washed away to a cheeky smile. "Monthly, huh? I like the sound of that." He cupped her ass and squeezed possessively. "You deserve every good thing, Lys."

She saw the honesty in his eyes and smiled. "I love-" Mikhail's eyes were the size of saucers earning a laugh. "...the way you care for me, Mikhail. It means more than you'll ever know." He cupped her face and leaned in for a kiss but they were interrupted by another honk.

"Ugh! I'm sorry, kroshka. I have to go." She nodded her head and gave him a quick peck. "Be careful and call me the moment your plane lands." Mikhail nodded before giving her ass another squeeze. "Is that your favorite body part of mine?"

Mikhail tapped his chin as to think on it. "No, but it's definitely second." Alyssa chuckled. "What's first?" He shook his head. "That's for me to know and for you to maybe one day find out." She rolled her eyes and shooed him out of her home.

She opted to work from home with the rest of the office thanks to a supposed storm that was coming in. She had no idea what folks were going on about as she refused to watch the news. It was too depressing. Everything she felt she needed to know came from Reddit or Black Twitter.

She looked at the clock and sighed. She had an hour before their agreed upon time, but she was ready to get it over with especially after Matvei's reaction to her last couple of hijinks. He told her no pranks and she agreed. Hijinks weren't pranks per se.

"Fuck it. I'm heading over now." She mumbled grabbing her purse and heading over to her car. The whole drive there her mind played everything that had happened between her and Matvei. The anxiety surrounding their situation bubbled over daily and her lack of control in the matter shook her thoroughly.

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