Chapter 18: Spotlight

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Alyssa walked the Target aisles with a very excitable Keisha. They were building her registry together since Arseny was called away for work and Winter was still in Atlanta with Mikhail and Asher.

Alyssa welcomed the distraction. The baby clothes and trinkets were beyond adorable. She found herself touching the lace on a jumper and fighting back tears. This would never be her life. Shopping for a baby of her own with friends. Motherhood wasn't in the cards for her. It never would be.

"You're awfully quiet." Keisha said holding up two unisex outfits. "The right one." Alyssa said before clearing her throat. "You okay, bestie?" Keisha asked worriedly as she set the outfits down and walked over to Alyssa. "I just have a lot on my mind."

Keisha clucked her tongue with a nod. "Does this have anything to do with a certain Matvei Melnik?" Alyssa rolled her eyes but nodded. "Some of it. Apparently, he has a girlfriend."

Keisha let out an unladylike snort and bark of laughter gaining some looks. "Can I help you?!" Keisha snapped at the onlookers. Alyssa chuckled at her friend. "Alyssa, for someone so smart you really are quite dumb." Alysa gasped at her. "Bitch."

Keisha shook her head. "That fool does not have a girlfriend. He wouldn't know what to do with a girlfriend, especially if she wasn't you. Trust me."

Alyssa rolled her eyes once more. "We've done a good bit today. My back is starting to hurt. Let's call it and head to dinner. Mama is hungry." Alyssa nodded her head at the plan. They were out of Target in no time and headed to downtown Austin for some good eating.

The car ride to dinner consisted of hip hop beats and rapping alongside Missy Elliot. Alyssa felt Keisha was buttering her up for some reason and couldn't help but feel a tad bit nervous.

"Your food will be out soon." Their waiter smiled before walking off. Keisha smiled as he left before turning a serious face on Alyssa. "Now that that's taken care of, let me get you together right quick." Alyssa sighed. "What are you talking about?"

Alyssa sat back in her chair and watched her friend. "Like I said, smart but so dumb." Alyssa scoffed before taking a sip of her lemon water. "I don't know what happened that makes you think Matvei has a girl, but he doesn't. I know this because I know how crazy that man is for you. It's so obvious to everyone but you two imbeciles."

"Keisha, that man does not like me. We can't stand each other." Keisha nodded her head. "If you can't stand him then why do you look like you're about to break out into a heartbroken Boys 2 Men song from just seeing him with some basic wench?"

Alyssa let out a huff. "Are you tired of this song and dance y'all are doing? I'm sure as fuck tired." Alyssa looked away from her. "Mikhail keeps me grounded. Safe. Serene. He's my safe space and it scares the shit out of me how much I feel for him." Keisha gave her a soft smile. "And Matvei..."

Keisha looked into Alyssa's brown eyes and saw the sadness as a tear fell. "Matvei is chaos personified and I hate how much I love that about him. He sings to a part of me that I've been burying my entire life. The two of them literally complete me and I want to run from that so badly."

Alyssa wiped away her tear. "You want me to admit it? Fine, I'll say it. I like Matvei." Keisha began clapping earning looks. "Round of applause! Standing o!" She called out earning a chuckle from Alyssa.

"Why are you running from the inevitable, bestie?" Alyssa shook her head. "Did you not hear me? Matvei speaks to the madness in me. I can't let that happen. I won't."

"I know what you fear, Alyssa, but I think you're wrong. I think Matvei is probably the only person that can keep your anxieties and stressors at bay. It's worth testing out, don't you think?" Alyssa shook her head.

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