2 | Mr. Bunny |

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The whole conference hall was silent , only the sound of pages turning was lingering around.

Namjoon was impatiently waiting for any response from the middle aged man in suit sitting opposite to him and his company CEO Jeon Jeonggukk. With his normal dark aura and cold stone face.

The man closed the file and smiled at the young ceo as he stood up and extended his hand . "You have the tender, Mr. Jeon"

Jeonggukk nodded and shook the hand with a forced professional smile.

As he walked towards his cabin he could see his employees celebrating in joy by hearing the news.

He opened the door and sat down in his chair. Namjoon followed him to his cabin with a wide dimple smile.

"Finally we got this tender. You better throw a party for them you know " Namjoon said pointing outside refering to the employees of Jeon Enterprises.

"Why ?" Jeonggukk asked in monotone as he examine another file infront of him.

"Are you kidding? The whole company had been working really hard over this one tender. It was two hell of a week. Everyone was working restless. Even the newbies . They deserves something, right? " He argued.

Jeonggukk sighed and looked at the older. "They can have half day off then"

Namjoon flashed a smile. "Where you headed to? "

He asked as the younger fixed his coat at headed outside. "Ren Aoki's conference" He replied without looking back

"Oh that Japan one? " Jeonggukk hummed in response and Namjoon followed him to the elevator.

Jeonggukk was staring outside his car window when his phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone.

"The meeting's delayed" The man on the other line informed. "Mr. Aoki's flight delayed two hours."

Jeonggukk hummed and hanged the call.

"What?" Namjoon on the front seat enquired.

"His flight delayed." Jeonggukk replied. "We have to wait 2 hours"

"Oh" He leaned back to his seat.

"You can take a day off , Hyung. The whole company took half day off anyway."

"What are you gonna do then?" Namjoon worriedly looked at the younger.

"I'll wait here. It's just two hours. We'll can head to their company after that."
He assured.

"You sure you'll handle alone.? " Namjoon asked again to make sure. Evon tho he's exhausted and need a break he has to make sure Jeonggukk is okay attending the meeting alone.

Jeonggukk nodded. He's well capable of handling things alone and he knows Namjoon know that. It's just the older always be there by his side in everything. "You need a break, Hyung"

After half an hour Jeonggukk ripped his eyes out of his phone screen and looked outside through the window of his parked car. The driver went out for a smoke moments ago.

Through his window , he could see children running around and laughing on the beach quite away from him. He was alone in the car and he got so much time , so he decided to go over there.

Jeonggukk walked slowly towards the beach filled with peaple. A warm breeze welcomed him. It was noisy but somehow felt relaxing to his tired body.

He sat down on a wooden bench near a shade away from the crowd. Took a deep breath and his eyes closed involuntarily .

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