16 | Apologies |

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"AH Don't cu-"

"I WILL !!" Jungkook humphed and crossed his arms looking at his boyfriend. "You don't have the audacity to say 'don't curse' after disappearing for 2 whole days."


"Don't 'koo~' me !" He glared at V who just sighed.

"I'm sorry" V gazed into his eyes and stepped closer to the younger.

Jungkook still continued to glare at the elder. He was very mad at him.

"Look" V softly grabbed Jungkook's chin. "I really missed you.... REALLY!"

Jungkook loosened seeing V's sincere eyes.

"Really really?"

"Mhm hmm" He nodded.


V immediately put his hand on Jungkook's mouth to shut him up."Don't scream ! Someone will hear us" He whispered.

They were currently inside a restroom. Specifically , In the Men's restroom of the hospital in which Jungkook having his clinical practice.

Jungkook slapped his hand away.

"If you're scared of getting caught , then why did you sneak in here ?"

"I just wanted to surprise you" V shrugged . Then he pulled something out from the back pack he was wearing.

A little bouquet of purple hyacinth.

Jungkook smiled softly but again glared at him.

"This flower represents apology " V explained.

Jungkook hesitantly took the bouquet and read the note hanging in it.

"I cannot spend another second , drenched in agony , knowing that I have hurt the one who owns my heart , mind and soul .Can you spare my sinful self and accept my apology and forgive me so that I can spend the rest of my life with you , in my knees, for pouring you with all the love and respect you deserve.

- your beast - "

Jungkook looked up at his Beast who has both of his hands in his ear.

"Sorry Koo" He mumbled and formed a puppy eyes.

"Aish" Jungkook smiled widely. "Why are you looking so cute , idiot"

He hugged him tightly making V smile as well.

"Ahhh.... I missed you like hell" V buried his head in Jungkook's shoulder.

Moments later they pulled out and stared at eachother.

"Why is your note this dramatic. Are you taking literature classes ?" Jungkook asked making the older chuckle.

"It's for my dramatic baby , so , normal won't work" V pinched the younger's cheeks.

"I'm not that dramatic" He pouted.

"Yeah right" V laughed.

Suddenly V's smile dropped and he reached out his hands to push Jungkook's bangs off his forehead.

Jungkook blushed.

"What's this?" V caressed his thumb near the bruise that was present on Jungkook's forehead so carefully even tho it looked pretty healed.

"I thought you were being romantic" Jungkook rolled his eyes making V chuckle.

"Now tell me what happened ?"

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