34 | Monster and Angel |

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"Cancel the plan."

Jeonggukk gave the blue eyed man a look and went back to checking out his clothes.

"Oh I think you didn't hear me - let me repeat .. CANCEL THE FUCKING DATE YOU DUMBSHIT !" Moon had his vein popped in his neck on how strained his voice was.

"Arghh.. Shut the fuck up." Jeonggukk gave him a stern yet bored look and continued with his quest to find an outfit. ".. and get out of my room. I don't need you."

Moon croaked a mocking laugh. "Oh really?" Jeonggukk just sighed not wanting a part of this conversation.

"Ok Jeonggukk, tell me who was the last person who called you 'dumbshit' ?" Moon acted like he really wanted to know that , ignoring Jeonggukk's eyerolls. "No answers ? Let me make the question easier then. Tell me what happened to the person who last disrespected you in any kind ?" Moon wore a smile. A Creepy one in Jeonggukk's opinion.

"What ? Tell me what you did to them."

"What are you getting into now ?" Jeonggukk sighed in defeat.

"Aw you don't remember? Let me remind you then .." Moon inhaled. "you killed him after shoving the parts of his own organs into his mouth which had no teeth by that time."

"There's people outside Moon. Keep it low."

Moon gaped at the words. "when did JJK started to care what others say ? And you don't get what I'm implying, do you ?"

Jeonggukk leaned back to the closed closet giving his attention to the blue narrowed eyes.

"You don't like peaple disrespecting you , still I call you dumbshit , idiot , brainless and whatever that comes to my mind that I found fitting to you." Moon had a smirk by now leaning towards Jeonggukk.

"You , the ruler of Agmians, the intimidating CEO of the no. one company in Asia , the famous Jeon Jeonggukk ... Ever had anyone practically invading your bed.. let alone your bedroom before ? Without you allowing them to." Moon was directly looking into Jeonggukk's black orbs by now. "Have you ?"

"I'll ask you once again , Moon. What are you trying to-".

"You let ME." Moon smirked as he leaned closer to Jeonggukk. "I did all that . So why are you not even trying to push me away? You can easily sent me off. But you never did." Jeonggukk didn't have words.

"Because you can't. And you know it." Moon was unfazed while he bored onto Jeonggukk's blank face. "You were never afraid of showing peaple what you truly are , that is a cold hearted monster, until now. Until Taehyung."

Jeonggukk's eyes automatically twinkled at the mention of the boy's name.

"That shows how obsessed you are with him." Moon leaned to his right ear. "And you know you can't do anything without my help."

Moon moved back with the same smirk still decorating his face. And how bad Jeonggukk's guts pushing him to the edges to punch the smirk off. But he knows better. Because Moon was right. As always. Jeonggukk have changed drastically over this month. And he's willing to change more if that's what certain someone want.

He was almost convinced that his last shred of human emotions have drained out of him. And Taehyung, with just one encounter was managed to revoke them again. And also planted a new one.

The more they become close , the more Jeonggukk wonders what will happen if Taehyung get to see what he truly is. That , as Moon said , a heartless monster.

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