27 | Chocolate |

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"Chocolates !!!" Taehyung squealed. "I love them."

Jeonggukk was more than just satisfied with the reaction. "Let me know if you want more"

Taehyung smiled and took a sip from the strawberry milk. Jeonggukk swears he wants to smack the hell out of his office phone which kept ringing every minute. He pressed the button to hung up and pulled of its wire so it won't ring ever again. He sat beside Taehyung who was sitting on the couch placed in Jeonggukk's huge office.

"Here." Taehyung said extending the glass in his hand towards Jeonggukk. He gave him a confused look.

"What? You don't like strawberry milk ?" Taehyung asked innocently.

"N-no. I like it."  I don't but I like you.

"Then drink." Taehyung brought the glass to the CEO's lips. Jeonggukk obeyed keeping his eyes on the smiling guy behide him.

The drink was too sweet for his liking but he didn't have enough courage to deny Taehyung's offer.


It was Taehyung's phone this time. The guy mumbled a small 'excuse me' and brought the phone up to his ear. "Hello , yeah I'm here Jiminie..."

Jeonggukk patiently waited for the call to end.

"What do you mean stay here?" That question was directed to Jimin but it was Jeonggukk who erked up.

"No no I can't.." Taehyung frowned. "I can't annoy him. He seems to have a lot of work. Hyung always say not to disturb busy peaple."

Jeonggukk shook his head. "I'm not that busy."


"Huh ..what ?" Taehyung made a face to the phone before hanging up and pouted. "Jiminie is being pushy again."

"I -..I am really not busy."Jeonggukk assured with an unassured mind. Taehyung gave him a smile.

"And I don't wanna be a bother."

Jeonggukk wanted to protest but got silenced by the next sentence.

"Your phone kept ringing all the time and I saw the employees were running around with worried face .. and you look very tired." Taehyung concluded. "I was here because Jimin told me you're bored and expecting me here which , obviously, is a lie. I still thought let's just pay a visit before going home. Now he's pushing me to stay here all day" He huffed.

Jeonggukk frowned.

"Don't worry. He's just trying to cover for my Hyungie. He have his boyfriend over at our home." Taehyung whispered the last sentence.

"Oh." Jeonggukk nodded.

"It's ok. I'll walk around the park and maybe crash at Jiminie's for surprise"

"wait. By any chance this 'Jiminie' you talk about is  Park Jimin.?"

"Yes. He is Park Jimin. You know him, right?" He asked excitedly.

"Y-yeah. Kinda." Jeonggukk remembers the arrogant short blonde male that Yoongi is potentially having an affair with. Even tho he have never seen him rather than photos, there were interactions through Yoongi's phone when he tried to contact the elder. The only thing held him back from killing the annoying male was Yoongi's interest in him.

"He also have mentioned that he knows you." Taehyung stated. "And said you'll be nice for me."

What Jeonggukk didn't understand was , why would Jimin trying to push Taehyung towards him? He thought he despise Jeonggukk to the core for keeping Yoongi busy all the time. Guess he changed.... maybe.?

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