9 | Meetings |

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"Sir, They're here. "

The blonde-haired male averted his eyes from the documents he was studying and nodded to his assistant in response.

He fixed his coat and moved the documents aside to welcome the guest. The door opened revealing a tall young man in formal wear.

"Good morning, have a seat " He welcomed.

The man extended his hand to the blonde CEO which he received with a professional smile. "Cha Eunwoo " the guest introduced himself.

The blonde nodded and asked, "Can you tell me why are you here Mr.Cha ?"

"Just one piece of information... Not to Bangchan, the CEO of SKZ co-operations.... It's to Christopher, the leader of Strayz. "

The blonde, aka, Bangchan dropped his smile a bit and nodded to proceed.

"How can you call yourself a good leader if you couldn't even protect one of your guys"

Bangchan narrowed his eyes.

Eunwoo stood up and leaned on the table ..." Seungmin....."




People were busily walking around on the platform trying to get their train or to get to home or school or college or somewhere they should be. But some of them got distracted because of 2 grown males laying on the floor ... hugging?

"Koo .., people are watching," V told the younger while holding him tighter. But he doesn't mind the stares as long as he could hold his 'koo'.

"Let them watch and be jealous of me" Jungkook's voice was muffled as his face was buried in V's chest.

V chuckled as he held him tighter while trying to get up. They both finally stood up.

Now V got a traveler bag in his back, 3 shopping bags, a guitar, and a 64kg boy clinging onto him. Good this he has enough stamina to walk with all this. And Jungkook knows that (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)





"I decided to help you" Jimin exclaimed "and.. you're welcome"

Taehyung looked at him with a dead eye. "Wow thanks" His voice contained no life while he was sitting at the bedside.

Jimin grinned ear to ear and took out a handful of shopping bags. " Let's begin preparing you"

"Jiminshi it's 4:30 am and I want to sleep"

Jimin shook his head in disbelief. "Today is your most awaited date with the most amazing man in Korea, no, the world..."

"It's not a date and also I'm sensing a hidden agenda behind your sudden interest in our relation" Taehyung yawned.

Jimin gasped. "You're doubting me? ME? Me, who has always been there for you? Me who has been your bestie and soulmate for years, me who has been. "

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