36 | Kim Taehyung |

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"Ha ha ..hahaha ...H-he's such a f-funny guy. ...!" Jungkook awkwardly tapped at V's chest and pulled himself away from his arms while Jeonggukk was still glaring at V. As if he's shooting lasers through his eyes.

Jungkook gulped at the increasing tension in the atmosphere. "H-hey , isn't it time for dinner ... Let's all do downstairs.." he tugged at V.

"It's 2 pm , Koo."

"Well then lunch . Who cares , food is food."  He forcefully dragged V outside.

Jeonggukk stood in the same spot , looking at nothing.

Taehyung, oblivious to what just happened, approached Jeonggukk with his usual innocent smile.

He wanted to ask how his outfit is , since Jeonggukk haven't even looked twice nor made a comment.

"Bunny - "

Before Taehyung couldn't even finish , Jeonggukk gave him a angry glare and stormed out of the room , startling Taehyung.

The boy's smile dropped and heart ached by the way Jeonggukk acted. He haven't seen him acting this way towards him.

"Does bunny hate this look ?" He asked himself.




Jeonggukk was focused on his breaths with closed eyes. A gun on his right hand.

"Go away." He said once he noticed another man's presence in his room.

"What did Taehyung do-" Moon couldn't finish his words.

"I . Said . Go. Away . " Jeonggukk said through his gritted teeth.

"Well , his name being Kim Taehyung doesn't make him your enemy."

Jeonggukk opened his eyes throwing a look at Moon.

"Look maybe it's just a coincide-"

"Hoseok got the clear pictures of Eunwoo's meeting with Kim Hyungsik's son  aka  Kim Taehyung."

Moon bit his lips contemplating what should he say next . "Wait - that doesn't mean your petal is -"

"It isn't My petal . I will recognise him amidst of any darkness. It wasn't him. It's V. His twin."

Moon kept silent.

Jeonggukk looked down at his gun. "V has made a deal with Aoki , both their aim is the destruction of Jeon cooperation along with JJK. "

"D-do you t-think Taehyung is a part of his plan.?"

Jeonggukk didn't say anything for some seconds "I.....I don't know. But if he is .." He gripped on the gun.



"What the fuck was that you moron ? Did you wanna die ?" Jungkook hit V on his chest.

"Ow... Was i wrong ? I just told the truth , koo." V shrugged and stuffed some of his food into Jungkook's mouth.

They were sitting in Jeon mansion's  huge dinner table. The maids still stunned to see the Kim twins . Also stunned to see Vkook's flirting so publically.

Taehyung was quiet the whole time. Which ,obviously, didn't go unnoticed by V.

"Koo , I think bear didn't like your work." He said loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

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