35 | Twins pt II |

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"Outrageous "

"Unacceptable "



"Hmm.... Jungkookie ? Are you... okay ?"

Jungkook stopped his rambling to look at the concerned Taehyung. He walked right towards the chair the other was sitting and kneeled down in front while holding both of his hands.

"Don't get me wrong Taetae hyungie , but really? Him? Out of all the handsome men and women in the world you chose him ?" Jungkook really sounded serious with that question.

"Hey don't be harsh. He's a busy man. Maybe he has-"

"Other important things. I know." Jungkook sighed. "He always has other important things. I thought at least with you it'd be different."

After Jeonggukk came and said that they can't go outside, Jungkook has been cursing him nonstop. Only after he left tho.

"Anyways , Do you think he liked my new hair ?" Taehyung asked as he checked himself in the mirror fixing his newly dyed dark hair.

"You kidding me ?" Jungkook stood straight. "Didn't you see how he literally stopped breathing when he saw you. Gawd, he even stuttered for five whole minutes ."

Taehyung smiled shyly. "but -"

"No buts . You look amazing hyung"

"Let's go to my room. I don't think ggukk has anything that'll fit you." Jungkook took Taehyung's hand and dragged him out of Jeonggukk's room.




"What are you waiting for here ?" Moon asked.

"Well , Jungkook said that he's gonna dress up my Petal like that "V" , right ?"

"Why tho ?"

"How would I know ? But with his new hair , I'm curious how he'll look with that kind of outfit." Jeonggukk flipped through one of the files in the table of the office in his house.

"C'mon it's The Taehyung we're talking about. Wait - .. what's his surname?"

Jeonggukk and Moon stared at each other.

"Oh my freaking lord Jeonggukk, c'mon and fucking call Hoseok already. Now that hoseok already knows about you guys  , it's time for you to know every single thing about your boy."

Jeonggukk was about to open his mouth but Moon put his index finger on Jeonggukk's lips to shush him. "Nope you're not gonna wait to ask everything directly to our little petal." He leaned closer. "you know with his new look , I'm afraid you'll be able to talk at all."

Jeonggukk stared right ahead while Moon took his phone out of Jeonggukk's pocket . "Call him"




"Kim Taehyung wants revenge ?" Yuta asked curiously while pouring whiskey for Eunwoo then himself.

"Yes." Eunwoo took the glass. "That's unexpected luck for us"

Yuta gave it a thought for a second. "But why ? Our boss can finish that JJK entity alone. Even without this kid's help."

Eunwoo shook his head after he took a sip. "He's not just a kid. The offspring of the devil himself."

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