13 | Work |

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"JUNGKOOK!" Jin shouted earning everyone's attention including Jungkook who just exited the restroom.

Jin apologetically bowed a little to the customers and glared at Jungkook. The younger smiled sheepishly and approaches the table where Jin is sitting.

He noticed there was also someone else sitting in Jin's table , back facing him.

"Why did you go straight to the Restroom?" Jin asked when Jungkook was close enough.


"Doesn't matter. I want you to meet-"

"Me !" The guy who was sitting in the chair turned to face Jungkook with a cheeky smile. He supported his little face on his right hand with the elbow on the table.

"YOU ?!" Jungkook's eyes widen while the guy just grimaced.

"You know each other?" Jin asked confused.

"Yes. We've met before"

"Unfortunately" Jungkook added glaring at him.

"But didn't have the chance to introduce ourselves well". Apparently, it's still 'snollygoster' and 'long lost 8th dwarf'.

"Jimin. Park Jimin" He shorter said elegantly running his hand through his blonde hair to push it back only for it to fall back at his forehead again.


"I know. Baby Jeon" Jimin's words made Jin crack up. Which made Jungkook glare at him.

"Anyway, how did you boys meet?" Jin enquired after signaling one of the waiters to bring what he told them before.

"It was a coinc-"

"Who is he again?" Jungkook interrupted while Jimin narrowed his eyes.

"He's my friend"

"Yah! I'm just a friend?" Jimin dramatically holds his heart acting hurt. While Jungkook frowned.

"He's like my little brother" Jin corrected to which the shorter smiled. By that time, a waiter arrived with a tray full of treats and coffee for three people.

"You prepared this much for me? Wow hyung " Jimin felt touched.

To the record,Jungkook isn't liking any of it.

'Jin hyung doesn't treat me this much when I come' He mentally pouted.

"I didn't make it, honey. It's the new bakers" Jin smiled. "They prepared these items"

"Oh" Jimin exclaimed.

"Tell me what you feel after eating them" the older added.

"Of cour- wait.. you're testing this on me? " Jimin asked to which Jin smiled sheepishly.

"Hyung~" The blonde whined.

"Eat it" Jin ordered sternly and Jimin immediately put the thing in his mouth. Jungkook let out a muffled mocking laugh.

"What are you laughing at? You too. Eat it !" Jin hissed.

Jungkook took out one of the treats and took a bite in an instinct. Making pouty Jimin laugh as well.

"My good kids" Jin smiled in satisfaction. "Let's have my special coffee" He started pouring it into three cups.




V was initiating to call his boyfriend one more time before he got interrupted by another call.

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