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"Are you drunk ?"

Yoongi nuzzled closer to Jimin's neck as they layed on his bed.

"Yoongi..." Jimin was a bit surprised the elder would pop up on his bed midnight. He was startled feeling someone's arm around him.

"I've told you not to be alone, didn't I?" Yoongi asked instead.

"I-... I couldn't stay at Taehyung's." Jimin sighed. "All thanks to you. If you didn't have told me to continue pushing Taetae towards JJK , I would've never risk Taetae's safety like this. Now V has lost his trust on me."

Yoongi pulled him closer to his body , hands trailing through his waist to his back. "I'm sorry , Kitten." He purred against Jimin's earlobe making the younger quiver.

"I only did it 'coz I trust you." Jimin ran his fingers through Yoongi's platinum hair. "You promised you'd protect Taehyung at all cost. Then what was that yesterday?"

Yoongi placed gentle kisses on Jimin's jawline. "Don't worry. I'm a man of my word. I'd never let anything happened to Taehyung."

Jimin almost hummed in delight before realising. "Wait w-what about V ?"

Yoongi didn't reply. "I'm tired. Let's just sleep now, kitten."




Hoseok tried hard to control his yawn. But he couldn't help it. The others gathered around the room gave him a look.

"I'm sorry. But it's fucking 3 in the morning. Do you expect me to put on a concert ?" He scoffed at them. "Why are we waiting again ?" This time he said that to the only man sitting , legs crossed , eyes steady as always. JJK.

"Oh right. Yoongles." Hoseok remembered and grabbed one of the chair near him to sit. "Then it's gonna take a while. He doesn't ditch sleep over anything. We might as well start without him. No?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at their leader.

JJK didn't say anything. He glanced at his phone and back at the laptop displayed infront of him. Hoseok groaned and layed his head on the table. "It's better be something important boss. I've paused my porn for you."

The guards around the two aren't surprised at Hoseok's behaviour. And know that if it was any of them in place of the whiny hacker , their head  would be rolling on the floor by now. Yoongi , Hoseok and Namjoon are the only current Agmians who have the power to sit with JJK. And to talk informally like this. Well , Namjoon rarely use that advantage. And Yoongi doesn't really care. He isn't even considered as a true Agmian.

"M'here." The voice was too low that it'd been gone unnoticed if the place weren't pin drop silent.

"Finally, Min Yoongi ! " Hoseok gleamed at the man who entered the room.

"What's the code red for ?" His speech were slurry allowing Hoseok to take the hint that he's drunk. And that concerned him. Min Yoongi is the exact opposite of a light head. And he doesn't drink so much without a reason. And seeing Yoongi stumbling to take a chair opposite to him , Hoseok frowned.

"Geez, you're wasted."

Yoongi didn't answer , just spared him a lazy look before repeating his question towards JJK. "... I need to get back to my bed ... Hurry up Ggukk."

That nickname sure stirred something between the Agmians who are standing and Hoseok noticed it too. Even JJK himself shifted slightly at it. But they shrugged it off as they know Yoongi is drunk.

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