32 | The Christmas |

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"Ggukk ! Ggukkieee ! Wake up !"

"Let me sleep .... " The 10 year old boy groaned as he tried to push his twin away for disturbing his sleep. He pulled the pillow above his head only for it to be yanked away by Jungkook.

"Nooo ~ it's Christmas ..." Jungkook whined. Jeonggukk forced open his eyes partly to see his twin , all dressed up with a vibrant red christmas hat.

"Seriously Kookie ? That hat's ridiculous. I'm not g-"

"-gonna wear it ? Nah huh ! You got NO choice Ggukk. You lost the bet , remember? " Jungkook climbed onto the bed and pulled his twin up by his shoulder as the other rolled his eyes. "I'm the stylist today."

Jeonggukk heaved a sigh in defeat. It's always been like this. Whenever a special day is coming , they set up stupid games or bets to decide who'll be incharge on the outfits. And it's always Jungkook. Even if Jeonggukk win , he can't stand against Jungkook's pout. So he always let Jungkook win.

"Here , Ggukk . Go get ready"

Before getting pushed to the bathroom, Jeonggukk inspected the things his twin prepared. "Kookie , these are all black. And what's - " He lifted up what seemed like a metal chain.

"-these ? Oh it's for your pants. You hang'em in the sides." Jungkook patted the side of his thigh. "And also , black suits you."

"But it's Christmas. Isn't it supposed to be a bright day. You're dressed in pink." He pouted at his twin who has a puffy pink sweater with white pants. He haven't put on his shoes giving a view of his carrot printed socks.

"Yes I am. 'coz pink suits me and black suits you. But I think Mummy won't like me wearing pink. She says it's only for girls." Jungkook said through his pout as he struggled to put on his shoes.

"But Aerum Eomma used to tell me there isn't anything like girl's stuff and boy's stuff. You can wear whatever you want Kookie."

"Really ?"

"Really." Jeonggukk patted his brother's head with his tiny hand.

"Then you can wear black too." Jeonggukk rolls his eyes at it. "..come on Ggukk. It really suits you. You know , when you dress like Dad."

Jeonggukk gave him a look. "But I don't wanna be like Dad. He's so ."

"- rude. That he is. But he's so cool too and so are you." Jungkook followed Jeonggukk around as he brushes his teeth.

"If I ever wanna be like someone, it'd be -"

"- Hyunsik uncle. I know." Jungkook completes his sentance with a knowing nod. "I'd too. That's why I'm am him today. He always wears simple clothes. And still looks so good. Today , we need to look really good and charming." He pats his cheeks looking at the mirror to make it more pink.

"Why do we -"

"-need to do look good ? 'coz , it's Christmas and there's a chance Hyunsik uncle is gonna bring -"

"- our Princess !!" Jeonggukk exclaims.

"Yes. I'm glad you still remember him." Jungkook adjusted his hat.

"Ofcourse I remember. Hyunsik uncle never bring him after Aerum Eomma's accident. But it's -"

"-Christmas.. and it's been..." Jungkook tried to count the years but struggled to do so. ".. it's been so long since we've met him."

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