4 | Smile |

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(Warning ⚠️ : Torture )

It's been six days , four hours and thirty seven minutes since a certain blue hair male completely dominating his heart and mind. His normal grey coloured world would turn colourful when he thinks about that angel guy.

A soft smile tugged on his lips at the mere image of the boy's boxy smile.

"B-boss , we're here " Namjoon's voice cut through and he composed himself wearing a cold face.

Jeonggukk nodded and stepped outside the car in front of a abandoned looking building. They both walked towards the entrance and Jeonggukk saw Hoseok standing infront of it.

"He's not speaking." Hoseok informed as the three of them walked inside .

Apart from the look of the building from outside, the inside of it looks luxurious. The red lights flickering in the walls. Men standing in corners with guns.

The trio walked through a narrow path which lead to a locked door which Namjoon opened with his fingerprint.

The door opened revealing a man tied up in a chair. Head low. Blood dripping from the wounds on his face and legs. He was sweating and breathing heavily.

Yoongi was sitting on another chair beside the man looking bored. He saw the trio entering and splashed water on the exhausted man on the chair.

The man tiredly looked up and his eyes went wide and he gulped like he saw the devil.

"JJK" He whispered to himself with a terrified expression of seeing the most feared mafia king against him.

Jeonggukk smirked. "So , you know me."

The man shivered under his deadly gaze . "I d-didn't do anything" .

Hoseok extended his tab infront of Jeonggukk.

"Lee Seungmin , 25, working at SKZ as Administrative Analyst for over a year." Hoseok informed while Jeonggukk's eyes were checking the images and footages in the tab.

Jeonggukk moved the tab away and leaned towards Seungmin and grabbed his chin to make him look at him. "You look innocent."

Yoongi scoffed. "Look at Hoseok, he looks like a sunshine. I don't trust innocent looking bitches"

"Me neither , but I'm really a sunshine, aren't I?" Hoseok said as he flopped onto his chair infront of his computers and faced the group smiling brightly as he could.

"Atleast wipe off his blood from your cheeks" Namjoon rolled his eyes. "And Boss, We don't have all day. Mr. Kang's Inaugration party is in two hours"

Jeonggukk nodded. "So, what do you say ? Make it quick I don't have time. "

"I k-know nothing. " Seungmin stuttered.

Jeonggukk took a deep breath and let go of his chin. And walked slowly around the tied up man. "Why were you at BP residence last night? You were there at Aoki's building when we held the conference this week. What is an employee from SKZ doing there ? And.... You were also seen with Eunwoo , The managing director of Aoki's business in Korea ... "

Seungmin was practically shivering in fear in JJK's icy voice. He knows this man is the devil himself. Death will be a better option than getting on his bad side which he is in right now.

He gulped thick when Jeonggukk stood in front of him slowly taking out his 9mm pistol. He smirked and pointed the pistol on Seungmin's right knee cap.

"Now Seungmin , I just want to know a simple thing. What is Ren Aoki doing here ? Why didn't he left?... Simple question right? ....Now answers "

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