19 | Friend |

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"Your friend ?" Jeonggukk knitted his eyebrows together at his twin.

"Y-yeah. Name's V. His band is performing here tonight." Jungkook pointed to the restaurant in front of them. "He's the lead. The one with tattoos."

Jeonggukk nodded.

Okay , Jungkook. It's the first step of introducing my beast to him. Atleast now I know he's not homophobic. Jungkook said inside his mind.

Jeonggukk mindlessly checked his watch.

"Your petal has texted saying he'll be here in thirty mins." The younger twin informed handing him back the phone.

"Alright then, I'll be in the car. Had to make some calls." Jungkook nodded to the CEO's words.

"I'll just be around here. Call me if needed."

Jeonggukk frowned. "Where you going?"

"I'mma just go and give my friend an 'all the best' for the performance."

Jungkook squirted away as soon as Jeonggukk nodded.

The CEO sat back inside his car and took out his phone.

Hyung :

I'm at Jimin's

Why'd u called ?

Me :

I need u do something.

Don't tell others

Hyung :


*Hyung calling*

Jeonggukk immediately attended the call.

"Even to Joon and Hobi ?" Yoongi was referring to the 'don't tell others' part.




You look breathtaking. Like.. literally..I .- I can't breath." Jungkook dramatically gasped for air.

V chucked and walked towards the younger to cup his face. "How about I give you a mouth to mouth?" He leaned in and attached their lips.

Jungkook gladly returned the kiss. When they pull off , he smiled. "That's not scientifically accurate."

"What is accurate then?" V gazed onto Jungkook's doe eyes with his own teasing one.

"Want me to demonstrate it?" Jungkook has a sly smile.

"Oh please, take that to your room." A female voice interrupted them making both of the couple to take a step back from each other.

It was Yumi.

"Noona." V scratched his nape in embarrassment while Jungkook blushed shyly.

"It's okay, I expected worse when I sent him to you into this changing room." Yumi eyed V from head to toe. "Well , can't blame your boy , you look too good V."

V was dressed up for the performance, hair already done. He wasn't wearing his usual bandana this time. And forhead covered V is Jungkook's weakness.

"Where's your bandana ?" Jungkook asked out.

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