31 | Secrets |

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"Hyungie ?"

V felt his heart stop when he heard the voice. And he swear he saw Yoongi's lip twitching a small smirk.

V turns his head to the side to see Taehyung and Jimin standing by the door.

"What is happ-"

"A-Aish you idiots , I brought this toy guns for Yumi's kids. Can't you guys grow up." Jimin was quick to walk over and snatch the guns from their hands. But he was careful since he know those are no toy. But he has to avoid a murder.

"Kitty hyung? I didn't know you'd visit. you both know eachother ?." Taehyung exclaimed.

"We just met , cub. Me and your brother has some music business going on." Yoongi replied with a smile directing at Taehyung. "And You were right , you brother is such a brave man."  V stared at the man without uttering a word.

"So you were the creepy ass dude they were talking about?" Jimin laughed as he placed the guns inside a drawer with uttermost care while trying to calm his heart down.

"Creepy ?" Yoongi chuckled. "Am I creepy..... V ? "

V still kept silent. Jimin understood the tension in the atmosphere. "Umm.. uh - Yoongs you're staying for lunch , right? Me and Taehyung's gonna prepare something special."  Yoongi nodded with a shrug.

"Come on Taetae, let's go to the kitchen." Taehyung nodded with enthusiasm and carried all the bags they brought to the kitchen. Jimin took a glance at the duo and whispered. "Whatever it is, talk it out. If anything like that happens in front of him again, I'll shoot you two myself." After , he disappeared to the kitchen. "Clear the table" he yelled from inside.

Yoongi closed the laptop and placed it aside and continued to clear the table as Jimin said. "I've met the cub as Jimin's boyfriend before. In case you're wondering. Such a sweet kid he is." V's eyes followed his each movement.

"Why are you here ?" V asked finally.

Yoongi barely crooked a laugh without looking at V he answered. "I never declined Master Kang's requests , you know he's my ment-"

"Why are you here. ?" V asked again. This time his voice were bolder and stern.

Yoongi sighed as leaned back to the couch he's sitting. "Thought I'd never find you ?" He watched V take a sharp breath. "Living right under our nose. As I said , such a brave man you've become."

V let out a breathy scoff before sitting down on the same couch. "Atleast it spared us 13 years."

Yoongi was quite taken aback with the change in his tone. It wasn't a bold one nor a scared.

"It was dumb for me to ignore my instincts the moment I heard your name from master Kang." V continued, more like to himself.

"But you were prepared." Yoongi shrugged. "That was a local gun. You never used it before , have you ?" He could tell it by the way V was holding it with both hands.

V shook his head. "It was kept for moments like this."

Yoongi stood up making V stand up as well in defence . He took both the gun out from the drawer and handed V's gun to himself.  "Then you should keep it. Now that I've found... There will be moments like this again."

With that said the man walked out of the apartment. V stood there frozen. He swallowed the thick air that's suffocating him in and out.

"Kitty hyung's gone ?" Taehyung's voice made him quickly dump the gun to his pocket and mask his expression.

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