18 | Preparation |

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Jeonggukk has faced various life and death situations. Between gunfires and knives. But never in his life he has ever doubted himself as much as he's doing right now.

He's standing in front of his giant closet packed with branded clothes. Contemplating what he should wear. After rummaging through all of his finest collections , he decided he doesn't own anything perfect for this event.

He glanced at the clock in his table stand and realised he doesn't have much time left. Jeonggukk groaned at kicked his leg to the closet.

"Call Jungkook, idiot "

Jeonggukk grabbed his pistol from his shelf and pointed to the room hearing that sentence. He have no idea who said it.

Who said it?  Is someone hiding in this room?

It was a male voice. A young one. It sounded a bit familiar to the CEO. He care fully checked everywhere for the intruder in his room.

No way someone actually dared to trespass his room , let alone his mansion. The security he have is top notch. No way he's gonna get past it. It'd be like begging for death.

Maybe I misheard it .

He placed the gun in his bed and sat next to it. Taking a mental note to inspect the cctv around the mansion just in case.

Maybe his brain just playing him. But that doesn't mean he can be careless about it. Enemies are everywhere.

Suddenly he remembered something making him take his phone which was lying on the bed. He checked it to see if Yoongi saw his texts and calls.

Two calls and a text saying . 'Hyung , you free ?" . That's it . Still , It was for discussing something important.

He sighed and threw the phone back into the bed seeing the elder didn't see it yet.

Maybe he's busy.

Jeonggukk heavily sighed and glanced at his closet again.

I don't know where that voice came from but what it said has a point. I have to call Jungkook.

He reached out for his phone again but paused hearing a knock on his bedroom door.

"Ashley?" Jeonggukk asked.

"No its me.. " He heard a small voice and instantly recognised it.

"Come in , Jungkook."

He frowned seeing Jungkook opening it using his back. Jeonggukk stood up but the other successfully entered inside the room and smiled victoriously by the time. He had a lots of shopping bags in both of his hands.

The CEO gave him a confused look while Jungkook stood there smiling. They stood like that for moments before Jeonggukk decides to speak up , realising his twin isn't going to explain it.

"What's with all this?" It wasn't his normal rude voice.

"Oh this?" Jungkook pointed to the messy closet with his face. "None of that's going to be perfect for today."

Jungkook looked around the room to place all the things. Jeonggukk subtly pointed to the bed.

"Thank you" Jungkook mumbled and moved towards the bed. He dropped all the bags and wiped his non existent sweat from his forhead.

"We don't have much time left , ...umm." Jungkook awkwardly said looking here and there.

"Yeah, right. But how did you-"

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