24 | Anger |

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"What do you mean they cancelled it ?" Jeonggukk glared at the three men standing infront of his desk.

"Sir it's -"

"All the goods are already exported and now you say that they CANCELLED IT ?" His voice echoed the whole room  while the employees gulped under Jeonggukk's temper.

"We tried to-"

"YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH WE JUST LOST ????" Jeonggukk growled and banged his fist on the table making the others flinch. The CEO grabbed his phone dialling someone. He screamed at someone on the call and smashed his phone on the floor while the audience trembled.

The CEO flopped to his chair and closed his eyes to control his anger. "200 million dollars... We lost 2 fucking hundred million !!! "

"I think we're done." One employee whispered.

"Oh god save us." Another one prayed. Being under a raging Jeon Jeonggukk is the last thing you wanna do in a lifetime.

Maybe the gods heard their prayer because the office room door opened revealing Namjoon who has his phone against ear while walking to Jeonggukk.

"Ok. Call me if something's comes up." Namjoon hung up the call. "I cancelled the shipping. For our luck they were delayed." Jeonggukk just nodded to the elder's info.

Namjoon glanced at the employees standing there like statues with scared expression and sighed. "You guys can go home. It's already 1 am"

The three shared look at eachother then at the CEO for permission. "Yeah get out."

It was enough for a all of them to bow to the both and ran off from there. Namjoon sat down the chair opposite to Jeonggukk and leaned back sighing heavily.

"We can still trade those goods in market under JJK's name. I know peaple who'd be glad to buy."

"It's not just about the money , Namjoon" Jeonggukk started. "Onyx company has been buying from us for years now they've not only cancel the orders but also cutting the ties with us."

Namjoon nodded weakly. "Now three of our allies are broken including this.  All in one week."

"I knew it the moment something's not right when Aoki decided to stay in Korea. " Namjoon clenched his jaw.

"He's gaining trust of our allies just like we thought. We should be extra careful from now on." Jeonggukk stated.

Namjoon take a look at his watch. "You should head back to home."

Jeonggukk shook his head. "I don't think I'll get any sleep. I'll just say back and finish some pending work from last evening."

Namjoon cleared his throat at the words. "Yeah , this evening was very busy for you , right ? "

Jeonggukk frowned at him. "What do you mean? "

"Nothing. ApoBango restaurant seemed reeaally crowded. " Namjoon shrugged and watched Jeonggukk's surprised expression.

" I- I was .. " Jeonggukk cursed himself for stuttering.

Cought you. Namjoon smirked and stood up from the chair. "We'll have a serious discussion about it later. I have to go now. " He announced and walked out. "There's a meeting at 7 am. Don't forget." He yelled before closing the door.

Jeonggukk banged his head on his palms and ran his fingers through his hair. "How can I be this dumb and careless?"

But he could feel his stress and anger slowly disappearing at the thoughts of Taehyung. He smiled to himself.

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