22 | Moon |

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"Jungkook !"

Jungkook wiped his tears and hummed to his phone.

"What happened? Are you there yet ?" Jin's concerned voice asked through the call.

"Y-yeah." His voice was broken and it took him a lot of strength just to answer the call.

"Hey honey , tell me what happened? Is he -"

"Are you crying? " Jimin barged in and it made Jungkook sob.

"Hey hey hey." Jin and Jimin shared a look worriedly. "It's okay."

"Did you break up?" Jimin asked .

"N-no ." Jungkook hiccuped.

"Then what happened ?" He tried again but no answer from other side. Only his sobs were heard.

"Just answer me one thing dear. Are you crying because of him. ?" Jin has a stern voice while Jungkook hummed to the question.

The elder exhaled feeling his anger rising up. "Where are you now ?"

He answered with a shaky voice. "I -i'm outside his apartment."

"It's fine. We'll come pick you up. Stay right there. Okay ?"

"No need hyung. I have your car."

He hang up the call. But soon it ringed again.

"Did you atleast gave him a punch.?" Jimin asked as soon as Jungkook picked the call.


"Argh... It's okay we two will do it tomorrow anyway. Come home safely dear." Jin stated and hung up the phone.

Jungkook stared at the ground. And sighed before checking his pocket for the car keys.

He frowned not being able to find it in any of his pockets.

"Did I drop it somewhere?" He mumbled and facepalmed.

He again walked back inside the building in search for the key. He was in the same hallway where he saw his boyfriend hugging someone some moments ago. It's empty now.

He found his eyes becoming wet again and closed it not wanting to be there anymore. He turned around to walk away but suddenly heard a bark.

He turned back only to see a little dog standing in the floor looking up at him. He stared at it for a second when his yes fall onto it's mouth. The dog had something on his mouth.

"Hey , doggy." He crouched down to check if it is what he think it is.

Yes it was. It was his car keys.

Jungkook reached out to take it but the dog escaped from his hold and ran away.

Jungkook gasped and followed it. "I'm not in my good mood so its better it you drop that key." He ordered as soon as he saw the dog looking back at him only to run again. He groaned and fastened his pace.

Jungkook stopped suddenly seeing someone stepping out of the familiar appartment. The dog from earlier went towards the male and dropped the key on his foot.

Jungkook bit his lips and gulped.

"What is this , Tannie ? Where'd you get it? Huh ?" The male asked crouching down to pat the dog.

"It's mine." Jungkook said making the other look up at him surprised.

There was a moment of silence which only broke when another voice called from inside the apartment. "Bear.... Why are you standing outside?"

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