29 | Trouble |

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"You said I can sleep 'anywhere' right ?"

Sleepy Taehyung had mumbled that before going off to his dreamland peacefully sitting on Jeonggukk's lap.

And Jeonggukk was stiff.

Not even a statue could beat him on that.

After what felt like hours Jeonggukk came back to his senses and decided to focus back on his work so that he can finish it fast.

He had his one arm wrapped around Taehyung as he typed with the other one. Taehyung would randomly shifts on his sleep trying to get more comfortable and Jeonggukk closes his eyes to control his senses.

Taehyung's face we're completely buried in his neck. Each small breaths and mumbles leaving his lips were crippling on his skin

"Never knew I was this gay. "

He admitted it out loud and quickly made sure no one else heard it .

It was almost 4 in the evening when Jeonggukk called Shini inside the office to give her a file and for her it was awkward.

Seeing a grown man hugging his 'icy-cold' boss while sitting on his lap was quitqe not an image she ever thought she'd see.

But there it is.

"S-sorry, am I interrupting ?" 

Jeonggukk cursed under his breath but maintained his emotionless face to the employee.

"No. Come here."

Shini awkwardly sprinted over to Jeonggukk's table as he extended a blue file towards her direction.

He stared with a low voice."I've verified this. Send this and the ones I emailed you to the Tokyo Branch asap. And .." Jeonggukk stilled for a moment to pat Taehyung on his back gently. Then he lowered his voice further. "Cancel any meetings for a week. If anythings important, let me know."

"Ok sir !"


"Oops sorry sir." She shushed her self before running out of the office giggling to herself. She can't wait to tell the others about this.



V re-checked his apartment no. before looking back at Jin's face.

"Uhm... Hi Hyung.....?"

Jin smiled and opened the door further to let the surprised guy in.

"I d-didn't know you'd be here. ..... At my place." V stepped inside and Jin closed the door behind.

"I was dragged by Jimin."

"Oh.." He looked around. "Where are they ?"  He asked referring to Jungkook and Jimin.

Jin was going open his mouth when both of them flinched hearing a sudden scream.

"There's all inside." Jin pointed to his bedroom.

"Who's 'all' ?"

"Oh , V hyung ? When did you come?" 
V turned to his side seeing Sunoo smiling at him with bowls in his hand.

"Sunoo ? Why are yo-"

"YAHHh YOU IDIOT THATS NOT YOU SUPPOSED TO KILL HIM ! USE YOUR GUN PROPERLY !!!" Shouts from inside his room. And sounded a lot like Jungkook. V shot the door a look.

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