12 | Meetings - II |

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Jungkook was observing his boyfriend through the phone screen. V was moving around his kitchen, cleaning all the messes caused by his bear and the shorty.

Jungkook just wanted to see V. So when the older said he was busy cleaning, he insisted on doing a video call just to watch him.

He was walking through his college hallway suddenly someone bumped into him. They both fell and but Jungkook quickly got up and checked if his phone was okay.

"DON'T YOU HAVE EYES, YOU PIECE OF SHIT?" The other guy growled at him while getting up.

Students already crowded around them to witness what was going on. Who wouldn't like to see something that'll be worth gossiping about?

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't see" Jungkook tried to apologize but the other grabbed his collar.


Jungkook was struggling to escape from his hold. "I s- said sorry"

"OH YEAH? Then this is my welcome" The guy raised his hands to punch him and Jungkook closed his eyes.


Jungkook opened his eyes to see who was it.

Jackson Wang? The collage heartthrob. Senior.

"He said sorry." Jackson calmly said to the guy who was holding Jungkook.

"It's none of your business, Jackson" He spits.

"It is. As a student here, I wanted to have a peaceful environment until you decided to ruin it for silly reasons." His charm was flowing which was making the girls around him go....... 💞🦋🦋💕🦋🦋💘🦋🦋💥🫀🦋🦋

"..and also you have eyes right? It didn't seem like he was the one who bumped into you. You were the one who intentionally got in his way. Why? Wanted to show off? That's cheap." Jackson stood in front of jungkook and the students laughed at the guy.

The guy huffed and walked off while the girls clapped.

It's not something that is worth this much clapping.

Jungkook thought. Jackson on the other hand signaled them to stop as he turned to face Jungkook.

"Thanks" He showed an awkward smile.

"oh, it's nothing. I just did what my instinct said. We are all future doctors anyway. Kindness is in our soul." Jungkook nodded but cringed inside.

"wait, you got-" Jackson reached out to touch Jungkook's face but he was very quick to jolt back.

"Don't worry, you got a scratch on your forehead." Jackson indicated.

Jungkook touched his forehead and winced when his finger touched the small cut which he might've gotten when he fell.

"It's a small cut. I can get you first aid."

"N-no. It's fine. I'll get it myself" Jungkook noticed that there were eyes on them.

They look cute. UwU

I like Jackson but I think I'll ship these too.

Some girls murmured watching the scene. To which Jungkook mentally rolled his eyes. These new bl shippers. Don't they have anything better to do?

"Are you new here?"

Jungkook shook his head at the question. "I've completed pre-clinical practices... I-I'm in my fifth year now"

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