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Yoongi ran his eyes through the unread texts he had sent to Jimin. He sighed and put the phone away giving the attention back to Hoseok's blabbering.

" ...and that may be the real reason for the boss' visit to Taetae's apartment."

Yoongi didn't catch up. "huh?"

"I mean if he got our Jungkook around his fingers , Shouldn't we have the same ?"

Yoongi finally got the case. so, Jeonggukk is faking his feelings to Taehyung so that he has an upper hand against V . It makes sense too. there is no way he'll continue to have a relationship with a guy who's with the traitor.

"The cub , i mean , Taehyung is innocent , right ?" Yoongi asked ,but it wasn't directed to anyone.

"He seems innocent . that kid is too pure for his own good." Hoseok said reminiscing about the time he first met the blue haired boy. "Maybe that's why everyone is using him. Like his brother using Jungkook."





"How's your bro doing ?"

"i don't know . Pissed I guess . " Jungkook sighed. "You seem more interested in ggukk than in me lately "

"koo... you know why"

" ya ya i was just kidding . I know you're concerned about TaeTea hyung. But i told you , Ggukk is not a bad person." V nodded his head at Jungkook's assurance .





"I'll kill them." Jeonggukk glared.

"Bunny leave them." Taehyung begged.

"No . Let me find them and .."

"Oh God it's just mosquitoes." Taehyung giggled and he held on Jeonggukk's arm.

"They hurt you." Jeonggukk was frowning looking around for the mosquitos that stung Taehyung a minute ago.

Taehyung stared at him for a moment before shaking his head. "You left the window open , that's how the mosquitos entered. We usually close all the windows before night comes"

"Oh...I'm sorry"

"No it's fine." Taehyung shook his head. "At least the mosquitos came with a big bunny."

Jeonggukk chuckled.

Taehyung's eyes travelled to Jeonggukk's hand. The tattoos peeking.

"What do these mean ?" He pointed.

"Oh these ?" Jeonggukk shrugged. "I just found those beautiful. Some have meanings some don't ."

"Oh.." Taehyung sounded amazed.

"Um do you want to see it?"

Taehyung nodded innocently.

Jeonggukk bit his lips as he unbuttoned his grey shirt. Taehyung gasped when the tattoos on Jeonggukk's chest came to his view.

Jeonggukk removed his shirt completely and put it aside. Taehyung  moved himself closer to where Jeonggukk is sitting and moved his hand to his chest until his fingertips were softly touching the ink.

"Wow.. " he moved his finger along the petal of the flower tattoo , admiring how beautiful it looks. To say he was completely oblivious to the fact that his touches are making Jeonggukk's breaths uneven was funny .

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