37 | Ideal couple |

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"No no no. I'm not saying you guys are a perfect couple. I'm saying that you guys are one of the best couples." 

"TomAto TOmato" Jin shrugged .

Jungkook and Jimin rolled their eyes. "Seriously ? These guys are 'best' ?" Jimin scoffed.

"Yeah. I mean , I've known Jin hyung since my diaper age. And I know their story. Besides Jin hyung acting all goofy with us , I know how hard it was for him to leave his family to live with Namjoon hyung. And Uncle Kim hasn't approved them completely either. Still they're staying strong. And the way Namjoon hyung is always busy but never forget to call hyung everyday. That's love. It's inspiring you know." Jungkook explained.

"I - " Jin was speechless and touched by the youngest words. He was almost tearing up.

"Nah I still think my bf is better than his." Jimin shrugged. Jin scoffed wiping off the hanging tear droplet.

"If yours is a good one , I'll call Jungkook the best." He mocked and Jungkook gasped offensively.

"What did you mean by that hyung?"

"Jungkook , you literally thought your beast cheated on you with your brother." They both said at the same time.

"I - I .. in my defence, I didn't know he has a twin." He crossed his arms pouting.

Jin and Jimin looked at each other and burst out of laughter. "Yeah yeah good boyfriend indeed."

"Oh my Jungkookah .." Jin laughed so hard till his laugh sounder like windshield wiper.

"W-well atleast I got the bestest boyfriend." Jungkook said I his defence.

"Hey didn't you said he used to bail you for work at 10 different place at the same time." Jimin argued.

"Atleast he comes back with flowers and apology unlike yours who just came for fuck and disappear. " Jungkook's tongue slipped before he could even stop. As fast as the dropping of Jimin's smile. "I- I didnt-"

Jimin's phone rang . He excuses himself and walks away from the table to pick it up.

Jungkook bit his nails looking at Jin. "It just slipped my tongue. What do I do."

Jin was serious and sighed before saying. "Do you know who's Jimin's bf is ?"

Jungkook shook his head.

"Min Yoongi."

Jimin came back to the table. "Hyung , i-i gotta go. An urgent work to do. See ya later."

"Wait I'll drop you-"

"No. I called an uber." He waved to both and disappeared.

Jungkook gasped. "M-min Yoongi ? As our Yoongi hyung ? Uncle min's son ? That Yoongi hyung?"

"Yeah idiot , who else ?" Jin rolled his eyes.

"Wait - but wasn't Hobi hyung-"

"Shh.. that's a big complicated story" Jin sighed. "it's quite late now. Come , I'll drop you back home."



V opened the door to his apartment and closed it behind with a sigh.

"Hyung ?"

V smiled and looked around to find a sleepy Taehyung.

"I thought you'll be asleep already." V walked towards his twin .

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