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Jungkook blinked.

It's currently 11:59 pm . He was peacefully dozing off after completing his pending assignment after having a lovely facetime with his beast. But a scream woke him up.

Apparently it's was his scary brother who knocked on his bedroom door few minutes later.

Now , they're sitting in Jungkook's room. Jungkook stood in the middle of the room staring at his brother while the other sitting quietly in his bed.

Is he going to say something?

Jungkook yawned and rubbed his eyes with his hands which are covered in the long sleeves of the blue night suit he's wearing.

Jeonggukk cleared his throat for the 7th time and glanced at Jungkook.

"I-is there something you want to say"


Jungkook waited for him to continue.

Wait.. there's only one topic that he'll have to talk with me.

"Shooot I forgot ! How'd the date go?" Jungkook sleepy eyes was replaced with sparkly ones.

"About that , I...*cough* .. I was a little bit busy so.. I couldn't..." Jeonggukk tried his best to explain.

"YOU DIDN'T GO ?" Jungkook's voice came out louder than he expected.

"Don't shout" Jeonggukk said and the other mumbled a 'sorry'.

"Yes, I didn't go. I was busy with work all day and -" He sighed. Jeonggukk feel horrible.

"Oh" Jungkook felt sorry for him. 'Him' means Taehyung not his brother by the way.

"Should I do something?" Jeonggukk asked looking at the younger hopefully.

"Oh no. Don't do anything. It's a simple thing right ?" Jungkook smiled.

"Really?" The CEO frowned.

"OFCOURSE NOT. " Jungkook facepalmed."You stood him up at your first date ! I can't even imagine what that poor guy must've felt waiting for you all night. "

Jeonggukk felt a huge uneasiness in his chest just imagining Taehyung's disappointed face.

Jungkook looked at him and sighed.

"At least text him saying a sorry" He recommended.

"What if he don't wanna talk to me anymore" Jeonggukk asked sincerely.

Jungkook has never seen his brother like this before. Well, when they were little kids. But this version of him was really new to him. And oddly entertaining to watch.

"You have to try first" Jungkook shrugged.

The CEO took out his phone and saw several missed calls and unread messages from the same ID.

- Petal💙 -

He bit his lips.

"He did tried to call you" Jungkook voice near him startled him a bit.

When did he reach here ?

"Check what he texted" Jungkook was focussing on the phone screen.

Jeonggukk nodded and clicked in it.

Petal 💙 :


Good morning Mr. Bunny💓

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