5 | Brothers |

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~ present day~

"Have you gone mute?" Jeonggukk snarled.

Jungkook shook his head.

"Then say something" His voice was still cold.

"Uh- I don't really understand what you're saying. What do you mean by 'handling a cute boy' " Jungkook admitted awkwardly.

Jeonggukk cleared his throat. "I met this boy and we t-talked. I forgot that I gave him my number... He texted me last night and I don't know what to do"

Jungkook looked at him confused. "People usually texts back in this cases" He mumbled

Jeonggukk glared at him. "I know. What I meant is .. he's so soft and I don't know how to talk sweetly without being rude and scare him away "

Jungkook stared blank at his brother's face. Is this real? The Jeon Jeonggukk is being soft for someone. Something warm spread on his chest thinking of the fact that Jeonggukk came to him for help.

"W-who's he ?" He asked.

"Names Taehyung. He's a student at HYBE ."

"How'd you met then ?" Jungkook excitedly asked .

Jeonggukk sighed. He can't even believe he's telling Jungkook about this. But , he just felt Jungkook is the right person he can trust Taehyung with. And also he can't seek for his hyungs for help when they're clearly having conflict with Aoki's issue.

"In the beach" Jeonggukk mumbled.

"You went to a beach?" He sounded surprised.

Jeonggukk again glared at him and Jungkook closes his mouth.

"Listen, You can't tell anyone about this. Not even Namjoon hyung. Okay?"

Jungkook nodded his head. "So you basically want me to secretly help you hit on a guy"

"Yeah- wait no.. I mean"

Jungkook didn't thought this day would come. That too to see his brother's flustered face.

"It's okey. I'm not judging or anything. What do want me to do now " He asked showing his bunny smile.

Hey, he looks like a bunny . Wait, do I look like that too? Jeonggukk thought.

"I want to know more about him and like .. you know .." He scratched his nape.

"I get it. I'm not expert in this cases tho. " Jungkook shrugs.

"You're a cute boy so you should know what he likes , right?" Jeonggukk said making both of them shocked .

Did Ggukk just called me 'cute'.? Tf.

"I mean -" Jeonggukk's phone rang. "What?" He answers it.

Jungkook shifted in his seat to make his position comfortable.

"Ok I'll be there soon ...*hangs the phone*.... Jungkook, I've to go somewhere. You just returned from class right? Go freshen up . We'll talk at night"

Jungkook nodded and stood from his chair to walk towards the door.

Jeonggukk furrowed his eyebrows and asked . "What happened to your leg?"

The younger gulped and turned back smiling awkwardly. "I-I fell. Clumsy hehe"

Jeonggukk nodded and the younger left the room.

Jungkook came back to him room and sighed in relief. He locked the door and dropped to the bed face first.

He checked his phone and saw 69 unread messages from his boyfriend. He smiled to himself.

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