25 | Saviors |

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Jungkook wiped his tears which are continuously flowing down his cheeks . He can't even imagine something bad happening to V. The thought of V getting hurt and probably because of him was eating him alive.

Jungkook reached the hospital as fast as he can , praying to every god's he know. He ran to the reception and enquired. "I- I got a call from here. A man named V..?" Jungkook said between his sobs.

"Calm down sir , we'll look." The lady at the desk said and typed on her keyboard. "What was the name again?"

"V ."

"I'm sorry there's not patient named V here. But t aahere are somes without any records of identification. Why was the patient brought here ?"

"Said he was found unco. - unconscious." Jungkook sniffed .

"Oh wait... Room No. 013."

Jungkook bowed to her and ran away to find the room. He didn't care if he bumb onto someone or not , all he cared was making sure V was okay.




"WAIT A DAMN SECOND !! If Jungkook's beast is V and his bro is my Taetae then Justin is ... JEONGGUKK ???!!!"

Jin choked on the water he was drinking when he heard Jimin. He coughed and stared at Jimin.

"Holy shit ! But ... So... Huh ?" Jin was processing everything.

"That brat lied." Jimin cursed.

"How the fuck you know that he's Jeonggukk????" Jin glared at him.

"Oops I forgot to tell you something." Jimin grinned.




Jungkook couldn't control his tears anymore. He covered his mouth with his hands as we watched V laying in the hospital bed. It's the first time he ever saw V in such vulnerable state. Without his warming smile.

He stepped closer to the bed and took the cardboard hanging in the side of it. It contains details of the patient and his conditions , for the doctors. Jungkook was analysing it.

"I think you already know what's happening."

Jungkook put the cardboard back as he heard a voice. He bowed to the doctor who appeared. "Dr. Lee. "

"I didn't expect you here. Is he your relative ?" Dr. Lee asked. He is one of Jungkook's professor.

"Yeah he is." Jungkook glanced at V. "He's family."

Mr. Lee nodded. "So his symptoms includes mild anemia, low blood sugar , tachycardia , dehydration , pale complexion ... " He trailed off. "Make him eat and rest more please. He's really weak. We'll give the meds and he can discharge if he wants to rest at home. Take care , bye." Dr. Lee left with an assuring smile.

The doctor didn't explain why he got these symptoms is because Jungkook is one of his brightest student , so it's obvious he'll understand.

Jungkook glanced at the laying figure. He remembered that they were going to eat dinner before Jungkook started arguing. V said that he was hungry but he didn't even listen. "I'm sorry" He mumbled.

He took out his phone and walked outside the room. He didn't inform Jin where he was heading , just left as soon as he received the call from hospital. He dialled Jin's no. and the elder picked it up soon after.

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