30 | Meetings-III|

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"So apparently Hoseok already knew Taehyung?"

Jeonggukk eyes Moon through his bedroom mirror and nodded while drying his hair.

Moon was lying on his bed heading hanging low. "They met in library ? Hoseok went to a Library ? How ? I mean He's not -" Moon furrowed.

"I don't fucking know ! Now get off my bed , Jungkook's gonna be here soon." Jeonggukk turned around after he's done with his hair.

"How come you don't know ?" Moon was pushed off the bed when Jeonggukk pulled the bedsheet. "They seemed like they know eachother for years." Moon was on his feet the next second not affected by hitting his face on the floor.

Jeonggukk sighed. "Hoseok was actually there for spying on someone but they crashed and some shit ..I don't know. All I know is that they get along well ... Too well." He fixed the bed and sat down at the edge.

"Aww you jealous ~...?" Moon patted Jeonggukk's head only for the CEO to slap it away.

"Of Hoseok , No. But of the fact that he can entertain My Petal more that I ever can , yes."

Moon made a surprised face. "W-wow. Uh .. so you're calling Jungkook to ask how to entertain 'your' Petal now ?"

"No. It's just -"

A knock interrupted them. "He's here. Go now."

Moon made a 'how?' expression and Jeonggukk rolled his eyes.

"I don't know jumb off the balcony or something." He whisper shouted at him and went to open the door.

"Ok." He heard Moon say but didn't mind it as he knows the man always finds a way to hide all the time.

Jeonggukk opened the door to meet with his twins eyes. "Come in." He said cooly.

Did he really jumbed off the balcony ? Jeonggukk thought as he didn't see a glimpse of Moon when he turned around.

"Why'd you called urgently?" Jungkook asked behind him , voice as excited as always.

"Umm yeah. It's .. " Jeonggukk felt awkward all of a sudden. "You wanna grab a drink ?"

"Umm.. No thanks .. I -I don't drink."

"Yeah right. Well.." Both twin looked around awkwardly.

Honestly Jungkook wanted to laugh. He knows that his dear twin must be flustered with the recent encounter with 'his' Petal.

After leaving V's appartment Jungkook recieved a call from Jimin explaining what all happened between Taeggukk in Jeon Cooperations. Taehyung's habit of becoming unbothered and clingy once he's sleepy, must've got to the CEO. But he can't possibly mention it as he's not supposed to know that.

"Anything happened with Petal?" He asked instead.

"Yeah. I met him Today.. He gave a  visit to my office."

"Oh " Jungkook tried to sound surprised. "That's a great news."

Jeonggukk nodded and scratched his nape.

"You wanna say something ?" Jungkook tried.

"Yes. I - " Jeonggukk sighed. "Taehyung and I planned to go out today after my work but it didn't work out. He had to leave as his friend came to pick him up. So ... I was wondering..."

"If I could help to arrange another date ?" Jungkook chimmed in.

"Yeah." Jeonggukk admitted. "My schedules not crowded tomorrow morning so-"

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