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"I don't have all day , Jungkook" Jeonggukk's cold voice broke the silence which was engulfing the huge hall. "Speak."

Jungkook nodded but he have no idea what he have to do. He promised to help Jeonggukk with whatever he asked , today. But he can't figure out what the hell they're going to do in this dark , huge conference hall with a wide table which have almost 50 chairs around it. There was only two of them . Jeonggukk sitting in one of the chairs , legs crossed , cigar between his fingers.

"S-so" Jungkook cleared his throat. "What do you need help with?" His voice echoed the big room.

Jeonggukk raised his eyebrows. What is he supposed to say He didn't thought about it. Usually when he and his group planning something, people just present their ideas standing in the same spot where Jungkook's standing right now. They never questioned him anything.
"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean... What do you want me to do?" Jungkook was dumbfounded. "Like, i don't know what's the status or anything..."

"What status?" Jeonggukk was confused.

"Like what is your relationship with him maybe" his eyes focused on everything but Jeonggukk.

"Oh.. We are .. Umm ... I don't know. Like... "

Jungkook saw his brother struggling. He stepped towards the CEO and stood next to the chair next to him. "Can I..?" He asked politely and Jeonggukk nodded.

"Ok, didn't you told me he texted you. Can you show me?" He asked taking the seat next to him but still kept some distance. Jeonggukk took out his phone and handed it over to the younger once he opened the chat.

Petel 💙


Mr Bunny?

"You saved him as petal?" Jungkook exclaimed. Jeonggukk cleared his throat.

"Yeah. I call him by that"

Jungkook smiled fondly. "H-he calls you Mr. Bunny? " Jungkook cracks up but contained himself when he saw the older's cold stare.

"I suggest you reply back" Jungkook shrugged "like any normal person do" he added the last part only in his mind.

"What should I say?" He asked.

Jungkook looked blankly at him. "................... How do you talk to him normally?"

Jeonggukk took a moment to remember.


"I'd love to know everything about an angel like you"

"It's  destiny. Maybe the universe wanted me to meet you"


He clears his throat. "not much. He does the talking most of the time"

Jungkook nodded. As Expected.


They looked at the phone and saw a new message popped up.

Petel 💙

R u busy ?

Jeonggukk looked shoot up to Jungkook who smiled.

"He's online" He extended the phone to Jeonggukk who took it hesitantly.

"Tell him you're not ." Jungkook said excited.

Jeonggukk started down at it and did as the younger said.

Beauties And Beasts || Taeggukk /VkookWhere stories live. Discover now