28 | Sleepy |

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"Look I'm pregnant."

V whipped his head around. "Huh ?"

"You're gonna be a daddy. ..no .. just say it as 'Dad.' Since you're already a daddy."

V facepalmed with a sigh. "Jungkook , my baby .. you're a doctor. Atleast keep that in mind."

Jungkook pouted and pulled out the V's stuffed cloths from under the shirt he's wearing. "You're no fun nowadays."

V smiled and backhugged the younger. "I'm in a rush. We can be fun another time, okay ? Now please choose my outfit fast or I'll do it myself."

"No." Jungkook released himself from the hug. "You're gonna meet with some music freak so-"

"He's not some freak. He's one of master Kang's -"

"Yeah best student blah blah blah...You can't go meet with some talented ass guy to HIS appartment looking like .....well...'you'."

V gave him a confused look.

"Oh my beast. You're too innocent. All the talented or good looking guy exist in this world are either gay or Bi or pervert. I don't wanna take a chance." Jungkook rambled while rummaging through all of V's clothes which he dropped on the bed.

"I-" V just shook his head not wanting to argue back. "So you're gonna make me look ugly or something."

"As if that's possible." Jungkook scoffed. "Seriously, have you seen yourself ?" Jungkook threw some cloths at V's direction.

"Wear that. It's not too classy or cool. And will make you look less like a full course meal."

V nodded helpless. "So Do you want me to drop you at your home ?"

"Nah , it's cool. And I don't wanna ride on a bike for a while." Jungkook had red cheeks when he said that.

"Awww.. I'm sorry. Well , I'll inform Jimin to keep you company." V zipped his pants .

"The fuck beast ?" Jungkook yelled.

"What ?"

"Why do you look good in this shit outfit ?" He groaned.




Jeonggukk was so immersed in his work. His eyes were glued to the computer screen as his fingers did it work properly on the keyboard.

No , he didn't forgot about Taehyung. He had went to check him inside the room after the 10 mins he had told. But Taehyung was sleeping so soundly making him hard to disturb the boy.

And ofcourse Moon would've chopped his hands off if he did that. So he returned to his work without disturbing the sleeping beauty.

Jeonggukk had his eyebrows furrowed while reading through the emails.

There's so many from his allies and also enemies but a particular one stood out.

Ren Aoki's.

He clicked.


His eyes diverted from the screen to the sleepy boy in front of his desk holding a pillow.

Taehyung eyes were only open like 2% and his blue hair completely messed up but in a cute way. Atleast very cute in Jeonggukk's eyes.

"Why'd you wake up , Petal ? You need something?"

It was a mere interaction but he felt so domestic. Why tho?

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